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Artículos sobre Children's books

Mostrando 81 - 85 de 85 artículos

Tablets can be a novel reading experience for parent and child. Goodluz/Shutterstock

What we know about tablets and how your child learns to read

A recent US survey commissioned by the children’s books publisher Scholastic found that 65% of 6-11 year olds prefer to read print books even when e-books are available on tablets. In the UK, a National…
Literary awards can have a profound impact on sales – and, in the future, which books get published and promoted. QQ Li/Flickr

How this year’s National Book Awards could change the face of children’s literature

There’s a lot of attention right now on diversity in children’s books – or, more accurately, the lack of it. It’s not a new problem. White people have been talking about this issue since Nancy Larrick…
Getting your kids to read, and enjoy it, shouldn’t be so hard. Flickr/Johanna Loock

Three easy ways to get your kids to read better and enjoy it

It’s little wonder that we often feel as though our kids aren’t as successful with reading as we’d like them to be. The “reading wars” - the battle between sounding out words and using the sentence as…

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