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Artículos sobre Chinese influence

Mostrando 21 - 33 de 33 artículos

China’s rising influence in the region has alarmed many defence experts. But the question remains: would Australia ever need to fight China on its own? Joel Carrett/AAP

With China-US tensions on the rise, does Australia need a new defence strategy?

Australia committed A$195 billion to defence spending in 2016, but many now believe this is insufficient with China’s rising influence in the region.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, pictured at an Australia China Business Council event at Parliament House last week, knows the country can’t afford to shut the door on Chinese investment. Mick Tsikas/AAP

What’s driving Chinese infrastructure investment overseas and how can we make the most of it?

Chinese financing and know-how present both a threat and an opportunity for infrastructure development. Australia can benefit from proactively identifying needs that Chinese investment can help meet.
Australia’s approach to the debate over Chinese influence should be to carefully disaggregate the various problems under discussion in this debate and risk-manage them individually. Shutterstock

When it comes to China’s influence on Australia, beware of sweeping statements and conflated ideas

China scholars disagree on the extent of Chinese influence on Australian politics – but it may be there are more points of agreement than most scholars realise.
Chinese President Xi Jinping is sworn in for a second term at the National People’s Congress at the Great Hall. AAP/Wu Hong

Why do we keep turning a blind eye to Chinese political interference?

The author of the controversial Silent Invasion argues it’s not the book, but the reaction to it, that has highlighted something troubling in Australian intellectual life.
Clive Hamilton paints a picture of China’s unrelenting determination not only to control those within the country, but also to dominate the world using whatever means at its disposal. AAP/Wang Zhou

Book review – Clive Hamilton’s Silent Invasion: China’s Influence in Australia

Clive Hamilton’s book is perhaps a useful reminder that we must not be naïve about our relationship with China, but his prescription is the wrong direction for tackling the genuine issues he raises.

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