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Artículos sobre Climate-change mitigation

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 70 artículos

Coastal areas in West Africa are under intense pressure from demographic growth, economic expansion and ongoing climate change. IRD

Interdisciplinary approaches to coastal vulnerability: the pathway to coastal sustainability

Around the world, fragile coastal ecosystems are under intense pressure, and understanding and managing their complex interactions requires an integrated and interdisciplinary approach.
Fynbos, the biodiverse shrubland in Cape Town, is thought to have the third highest carbon stored per square metre for any biome in South Africa. It must be protected. Shutterstock

Cape Town’s climate strategy isn’t perfect, but every African city should have one

Cape Town’s new climate strategy is a good start. But it falls short when it comes to nature.
As part of New Zealand’s transition to a low-emissions economy, emphasis is shifting to innovation and away from traditional agriculture. from

NZ Budget 2019: support for lower-emission business, transport, land use

Under the New Zealand government’s well-being approach to the budget, funding that will help reduce emissions is linked with economic development and innovation.
As part of its commitment under the Paris Agreement, New Zealand’s government has committed to planting one billion trees within a decade. from

Coldplay conundrum: how to reduce the risk of failure for environmental projects

Planting more native forests could help mitigate the causes of climate change, but unless funding is closely tied to successful outcomes, such projects face the risk of failure.

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