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Artículos sobre COVID-19

Mostrando 301 - 320 de 7973 artículos

The risk of dying from COVID-19 varies from person to person. Jasmin Merdan/Moment via Getty Images

If 1% of COVID-19 cases result in death, does that mean you have a 1% chance of dying if you catch it? A mathematician explains the difference between a population statistic and your personal risk

It’s not entirely accurate to say that you’re more likely to die in a car accident than in a plane crash. Chances are, you’re not the average person.
Countries around the world were not prepared to respond to COVID-19. Andrew Wasike Shimanyula/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Predicting epidemics isn’t easy. We’ve created a global dataset to help

A new global dataset shows there is no clear global increase of infectious disease outbreaks over time. And it can suggest which countries would most likely be affected by an outbreak.
Research shows that uninsured people are more likely to get care later in pregnancy, and less care overall. This increases risks for mothers and babies. (Shutterstock)

An emergency in the making: Ending pandemic prenatal health coverage for uninsured people is both costly and dangerous

Discontinuing expanded health-care funding will result in less prenatal care for uninsured patients, more health risks, higher costs to the health system, and moral distress for health-care providers.
It takes around 17 years for medical research to translate into clinical practice. shapecharge/E+ via Getty Images

One way to speed up clinical trials: Skip right to the data with electronic medical records

In health care crises, researchers can avoid waiting for clinical trial results by using data from health care systems to analyze the effectiveness of treatments for COVID-19 and other illnesses.
COVID-19 is still with us, and is still causing serious illness and death. However, it is disproportionately affecting older people. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young

Ageism and the pandemic: How Canada continues to let older adults suffer and die from COVID-19

COVID-19 is the third-leading cause of death in Canada, but it’s older people who are dying. That we accept this and carry on as if the pandemic is over reveals our ageism: We don’t value older people.

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