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Artículos sobre Data

Mostrando 241 - 260 de 424 artículos

The transformative nature of our move to a data-driven economy and society means that any data strategy will have long-lasting effects. That’s why the Canadian government needs to ask the right questions to the right people in its ongoing national consultations. (Shutterstock)

Why the public needs more say on data consultations

The Canadian government is right to hold public consultations on digital and data transformation given how profoundly it affects society at large. But the scope is far too narrow.
Power over business, democracy and education will likely continue to lie with data and data-dependent tools, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence. Shutterstock

Data ethics is more than just what we do with data, it’s also about who’s doing it

Biases are difficult to shed, which makes workplace diversity a powerful and necessary tool for catching unsuspected bias before it has a chance to cause damage.
The daily fluctuations in the stock market can have a serious emotional impact on people watching their stock portfolios, when the less stressful strategy would be to pay attention to long-term trends. (Shutterstock)

Managing the highs and lows of data overload

Today it’s estimated that we take in about five times as much information as we did 25 years ago, and that we process as much data in a day as our 15th century ancestors would have in their lifetime.
A protester wears a mask with the face of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, in between men wearing angry face emoji masks, during a protest against Facebook in London in April 2018. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant)

Why do we stay on Facebook? It’s complicated

We’re at a critical moment as users of Facebook. It’s our responsibility to educate ourselves about how our data is bought and sold.
What secrets will your DNA give away? Connect world/

Your genome may have already been hacked

When you send off a cheek swab to one of the private genome companies, you may sacrifice not just your own privacy but that of your family and your ancestors.
A cell phone user thumbs through the privacy settings on a Facebook account in Ottawa in March 2018. Canadians need to start making companies accountable for mining and using their personal data without their consent. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

It’s time we demanded the protection of our personal data

Canadians — and consumers around the world — have the power to hold industries accountable for misuse or unauthorized use of our data. It’s time to use it.

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