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Artículos sobre Death

Mostrando 361 - 371 de 371 artículos

Contemplating death is good for you

The thought of death can lead to better health, altruism, and even reduced divorce rates. A new study commissioned by the…

Death rate for children with asthma is rising

Health experts have warned parents of children with asthma to take the condition more seriously as new data reveals that in recent years asthma-related deaths among people under 15 have increased for the…
Office workers should spend less time sitting and more time standing, experts say. AAP/Alan Porritt

Stand up for your life: sitting can be a death sentence

Adults who spend 11 or more hours a day sitting are at a 40% increased risk of dying in the next three years compared with those who sit for fewer than four hours, the largest study of ageing in the Southern…
On the ninth anniversary of the US-led Iraqi invasion, suicide attacks were used against civilians in Iraq. EPA/Mohammed Jalil

Good and bad deaths: why we react to suicide bombers the way we do

Suicide attacks and car bombings across Iraq this week have killed at least 43 people and left 255 wounded. We are sadly now very familiar with the phenomenon of the suicide bomber, but the particular…
Amendments to the bill require doctors to get a second opinion. Rosie O'Beirne

Finding the balance in South Australia’s euthanasia legislation

South Australian MPs will tomorrow debate a bill which could see euthanasia legalised in the state, paving the way for other jurisdictions to follow. The bill has been criticised by the South Australian…
Flesh-flies frequently give birth to maggots on corpses of human and other animals. sankax

Forensic entomology: the time of death is everything

FORENSICS AUSTRALIA – Insects are everywhere. Their ubiquitous nature, and the fact they represent the largest biomass of animals on the earth, means there are hardly any terrestrial niches – except when…
People who commit serious crime are sent to prison as punishment, not for punishment. f o/Flickr

When freedom is fatal: the preventable deaths of recently released prisoners

A study published today in the Medical Journal of Australia concludes that more prison inmates in Australia die in the year after they’ve been released than the annual number of deaths in custody. A disproportionate…

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