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Artículos sobre Digital economy

Mostrando 281 - 300 de 810 artículos

Jesse Hlebo, In Pieces (for Sebastian), 2015. 15 minute video loop on 55" LCD TV, embedded in burnt plasterboard. panels, gasoline, found palettes. Edel Assanti

Jesse Hlebo: is anything authentic in the age of social media?

Jesse Hlebo is troubled. The New York-based artist’s latest exhibition, In Pieces explores information overload and authenticity in the internet era – and it’s a challenging place to spend some time. Walking…
Google Glass, seen by many as a monstrous carbuncle. John Stillwell/PA

Google Glass finally cracks: it was a product looking for a market

The announcement that Google is to halt sales of its Google Glass augmented-reality spectacles has been interpreted by some people as the end of a pilot project and the start of a new phase of product…
Back… to the future? Polaroid

The enduring appeal of analogue in a digital world

Everyday objects with network connections that can collect and share data or be remotely controlled – the Internet of Things – promise to transform the way we interact with the world around us by fusing…
Facebook can remember it for you wholesale - whether you like it or not. Anikei/Shutterstock

Your life is Facebook’s business model – like it or not

Facebook’s recent apology for its Year in Review feature, which had displayed to a grieving father images of his dead daughter, highlights again the tricky relationship between the social media behemoth…
Power to the people. EPA/How Hwee Young

China’s digital protesters aren’t confined to Hong Kong

As the last remaining protesters were being cleared from Hong Kong’s streets, many Westerners lamented the silencing of what they saw as China’s only pro-democracy voice. To them, the umbrella movement…
Stalled. JMicic/Shutterstock

We’re simply having an analogue Christmas time

The British Christmas that Charles Dickens serves up to us is rich in food and warmth, two things that in his day were often thinly stretched throughout the year in many homes. These days, for most of…

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