Although fracking has been given the green light it’s still not known how common felt earthquakes may become and if communities are willing to accept them
While the term liquafaction has only been widely discussed in Indonesia and the world in the past week, Palu’s susceptibility to liquefy had already been studied.
New research shows that injecting wastewater deep underground can cause earthquakes far from the injection site. It also raises questions about which rock layers are the safest injection targets.
Wildfires in the US have drawn thousands of firefighters. Meanwhile, Indonesia is struggling to rebuild in the wake of earthquakes. What’s the difference? Poverty and access to resources.
A tectonic earthquake doesn’t always trigger eruptions of nearby volcanoes. If an eruption happens, the volcano must already have been in a critical condition.
Caught in the middle: Lombok and Bali are exposed to earthquake and tsunamis risk due to a tectonic plate boundary to the south, but also a unique zone of activity that thrusts to the north.
A new array of seismometers provides a glimpse of what’s happening deep beneath this geologic fault. New data help explain why the north and south of the region are more seismically active than the middle.
Large-scale emergencies can be a strain, even in one of the world’s richest countries. Population growth, income inequality and fragile supply chains may make the problem worse.