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Artículos sobre eBooks

Mostrando 21 - 40 de 57 artículos

Saturday is Love Your Bookshop Day – but bookshops face many challenges. Shutterstock

Love of bookshops in a time of Amazon and populism

Despite dire predictions, bookstores are doing well: they are curators of taste and community hubs. But their challenges are many – from the arrival of Amazon Down Under to a ‘post-truth’ climate that devalues knowledge.
E-books are likely to reach 20% of library holdings by 2020, but writers aren’t receiving renumeration from these sources. Is this changing any time soon? Picjumbo

Should writers be paid for their e-books lent by libraries?

When you borrow a paper book from a library, authors get a small royalty, which is their second most important source of income. Yet if you borrowed an e-book tomorrow, the author would get nothing.
New forms of entertainment and consumption abound. And yet the book endures. Swikar Patel/AP

The myth of the disappearing book

E-book sales are falling, even though many said they would “kill” print books. Computers and television were also supposed to spell the book’s demise. At one point, people even feared the phonograph.
Paper or tablet? Megan Trace

Do students lose depth in digital reading?

With the surge in e-books and digital devices, one concern has been whether students are learning as much. Research shows that some crucial elements of learning are indeed being lost.
Since 2009, record sales have soared. 'Records' via

How digital technology spawned retro’s revival

While technological advances have rendered some products obsolete, they’ve also spurred the growth of niche markets that cater to people looking to reject mass-produced goods.
Chief Executive and Publisher of Melbourne University Press, Louise Adler, will chair the new book council. AAP ONE

The Book Council of Australia? Well, it’s better than nothing

The Book Council of Australia began to take shape last week when MUP director Louise Adler was announced as its chair. But what is its purpose, and how will it embrace the industry’s new voices?
Technology has always transformed the novel and given it new shapes to play with. Thomas Leuthard

The byte may destroy the book but the novel isn’t over yet

Victor Hugo famously claimed the invention of the printing press destroyed the edifice of the gothic cathedral. Others fear the internet age will eventually destroy the novel. But guess what? It won’t.

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