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Artículos sobre eBooks

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 57 artículos

Substantial cultural commentary and numerous studies addressed how the ‘infamous’ novel influenced both readers and the publishing industry. (Shutterstock)

‘Fifty Shades of Grey,’ 10 years later: Self-publishing wasn’t novel then, but now it’s easier to reach a niche audience

The controversial fantasy novel and its sequels enticed more authors to experiment with self-publishing, but the latter has a history that long predates the steamy bestseller.

Do we really own our digital possessions?

When you buy a film, eBook or song, you might assume that you own it outright, but that’s not always the case, meaning companies may have a right to take it back from you.
Just as the printing press made books more affordable, technology could do the same thing for college textbooks today. ju_see/

Could college textbooks soon get cheaper?

An English and economics professor explain why America’s college textbook industry might undergo radical change that makes books more affordable, similar to what happened in medieval times.
The State Library in Victoria illustrates that libraries are so much more than just places that contain books. from

Technology hasn’t killed public libraries – it’s inspired them to transform and stay relevant

In the digital age, libraries got creative about how to translate services they’ve always offered into new formats. And they’ve transformed their spaces to have a variety of community uses.

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