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Artículos sobre Emissions targets

Mostrando 41 - 60 de 106 artículos

Presidents Jinping (centre) and Obama (right) have ensured that the Paris Agreement now covers 40% of the world’s emissions, bringing it closer to coming into force. EPA/How Hwee Young

US-China ratification of Paris Agreement ramps up the pressure on Australia

Unlike the Kyoto Protocol, which languished for years, the Paris climate agreement is rocketing towards the threshold for it to enter into international law – leaving Australia in its wake.
The Climate Change Authority’s latest report has divided its membership.

The Climate Change Authority report: a dissenting view

Two members of the Climate Change Authority offer an alternative view on its latest report, arguing that the recommendations are not in line with Australia’s international climate obligations.
The suggested new scheme aims to cut emissions from the electricity sector while sidestepping the political poison of increased power prices. AAP Image/Julian Smith

The Climate Change Authority’s gamble on political pragmatism

A new “toolkit” of suggested climate policies looks politically feasible, but it’s too complicated and not ambitious enough to drive a real move to a low-carbon economy.
Turnbull might be hamstrung by his barely-there majority. AAP Image/Paul Miller

Can Malcolm Turnbull do climate and energy policy now?

Malcolm Turnbull returns to the helm with a wafer-thin majority and a significant element in his government who still oppose climate action - can he defy the odds and serve up some credible policy?
Britain, one of the European Union’s most consistent backers of climate action, is poised to walk out. AAP Image/Newzulu/Paul Alfred-Henri

Brexit could leave the European Union struggling with its climate targets

Britain was among Europe’s most progressive voices on climate policy. Its imminent withdrawal leaves the European Union grappling with voices of dissent from member states such as Poland.
The Greens are the party of climate action - but do they embrace enough technologies to get there? AAP Image/Julian Smith

Are the Greens really the climate radicals we need?

The Greens have successfully cast themselves as the party of climate science. But to hit their climate goals they may need to become even more radical, by embracing technologies like nuclear power.
Malcolm Turnbull’s speech to the Paris climate summit lacked real focus, but he still has time to grab the issue with both hands before the election. EPA/Christophe Petit Tesson

Ideas for Australia: A six-point plan for getting climate policy back on track

Australia has been mired in climate confusion for years - as reflected by its underwhelming performance at last year’s Paris climate summit. Here’s how to get things back on an even keel.
Job done: COP21 president Laurent Fabius. Reuters/Stephane Mahe

Historic Paris climate pact reached – experts react

At the Paris climate talks, the world has signed up to the first truly global treaty to tackle global warming. Our experts react.

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