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Artículos sobre Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Mostrando 161 - 180 de 219 artículos

Can negotiators in Paris get a hit? Peter Miller/flickr

Can the Paris climate talks prevent a planetary strike-out?

The UN climate talks in Bonn last week left many key issues unresolved, creating big challenges for forging a global deal in Paris later this year that would avert the worst effects of climate change.
It takes time, but this is how a real consensus is built. EPA/NIELS AHLMANN OLESEN/AAP

We need real consensus, not Bjorn Lomborg’s illusion of it

There is a way for governments to find out the consensus on global issues such as climate change. But it involves painstaking, complex work, and an end to the adversarial clash of competing ideologies.
The United Nation’s IPCC is considered the definitive source on climate science in international negotiations. UN IPCC

The UN’s climate change body looks inward to move ahead

At a crossroads with its chairman leaving, the UN’s IPCC looks to engage more social scientists and representatives from developing countries.
Another million tonnes of this and we can cancel that ski holiday. Jimmy Thomas

Our equation proves climate change is linked to emissions

We know the world is warming and that, unless things drastically change, we will keep emitting more carbon. We know the two are linked. But exactly how much warmer will it become as we emit more carbon…
Extreme weather is more common than ever. EPA

How does the IPCC know climate change is happening?

Climate change is one of the few scientific theories that makes us examine the whole basis of modern society. It is a challenge that has politicians arguing, sets nations against each other, queries individual…
The IPCC’s latest report sets the record straight on science (again), but could be stronger on the economic case for climate action. EPA/Niels Ahlmann Olesen/AAP

New IPCC report: busting myths, both scientific and economic

The headline statements of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s new Synthesis Report – unequivocal climate change, almost certainly driven largely by humans, and an urgent need to cut emissions…
Members of the public photograph an ice art installation outside the Copenhagen building where the IPCC met to finalise its latest report. EPA/Soeren Bidstrup/AAP

IPCC’s ‘most important report’ sets stage for Paris climate talks

Members of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) say they are confident their latest report, released in Copenhagen today, will help give politicians the impetus to commit to the deep emissions…
The IPCC is clear on the dangers of fossil fuels. Pete Markham

Stark IPCC climate report shows the time for talking is over

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is set to publish the “synthesis report” of its fifth assessment period, drawing on three individual working group reports already published on: the…
A green trade deal would encourage the development of renewable energy in big carbon emitters such as China. Kaj17/Flickr

Trans-Pacific Partnership threatens a green trade deal

Ten years on from the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement, Australia is entering another round of negotiations towards the new and controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership. In this Free Trade Scorecard series…
The world’s economy is becoming less carbon-intensive, but not nearly fast enough. AAP Image/Julian Smith

World falling far behind on two-degree climate goal: new reports

The world is falling far behind in its bid to curb greenhouse emissions enough to limit global warming to 2C, according to two new reports. For the sixth year running, the world has failed to meet the…
Renewable energy is an excellent way to hedge against the impacts of climate policies. Indigo Skies Photography/Flickr

Finally, some light relief for the Renewable Energy Target

The Australian government has just received a vitally important report to guide their decisions on the future of Australia’s Renewable Energy Target (RET). But it’s not the RET review report of the Coalition-appointed…
Could politicians and scientists in the future be charged with “climate negligence”? Julie G/Flickr

Will the climate debate end up being fought in court?

Society generally has a clear idea of what constitutes a crime, and those in positions of power are usually held to very high standards. Politicians charged with making decisions on the needs of society…
The Ross Sea: one of the places where sea ice extent is increasing. Brocken Inaglory/Wikimedia Commons

What is the paradox of increasing Antarctic sea ice really telling us?

This year could well see a new record set for the extent of Antarctic sea ice – hot on the heels of last year’s record, which in turn is part of a puzzling 33-year trend in increasing sea ice around Antarctica…
A record-breaking winter heatwave – which makes pretty nice weather for a dip. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

Winter heatwaves are nice … as extreme weather events go

If you’ve stepped outside at lunchtime in Sydney over the past few days, you’d be forgiven for thinking it was more like early summer than the beginning of winter. On each of the past 23 days, the temperature…

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