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Artículos sobre Legal system

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 74 artículos

India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, takes part in the consecration of a controversial new Hindu temple in Ayodhya, January 2024. Planetpix/Alamy Stock Photo

The authoritarian leader’s playbook: how Narendra Modi captured India’s legal system and is rewriting the country’s history in his image

Over the past decade, I have documented the erosion of India’s once robustly democratic legal system as part of Prime Minister Modi’s ‘authoritarian playbook’
Women have more positive experiences seeking justice when they experienced support, agency and validation. (Shutterstock)

The legal system must show more compassion to survivors of sexual abuse

Survivors of gender-based abuse can often feel retraumatized by the justice system. But simple acts of validation and support can make a meaningful difference and restore a sense of agency.
Political commentators have expressed concern that Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s decision to appoint former staffers to a committee that helps select provincial judges could politicize the courts. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Christopher Katsarov

Doug Ford’s political judicial appointments: Good or bad for justice and democracy?

Appointing individuals who may have links to the party in power is not necessarily troublesome, as long as the process emphasizes legal knowledge and fairness, and not partisan considerations.
Panic over supposed ‘super-predator’ teens ended years ago, but its consequences did not. jabejon/iStock via Getty Images Plus

40 years ago, the US started sending more and more kids to prison without hope of release, but today, it’s far more rare – what happened?

Research on developing brains has helped bring about a sea change in attitudes toward juvenile life without parole. But many people who committed crimes as minors are still serving such sentences.
Former President Donald Trump arrives at the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse on April 4, 2023, before his arraignment. Ed Jones/AFP via Getty Images

Trump’s latest personal attacks on judges could further weaken people’s declining trust in American rule of law

Presidents have historically criticized judicial decisions. But Trump is taking it a step further with potentially dangerous personal attacks on judges.
People protest against the white supremacist movement and racism outside the United States consulate in Toronto in August 2017 after racism-fuelled violence in Charlottesville, Va. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette

Terrorism laws target racism, but what about racism in the legal system?

Critics of new terrorism laws argue they do not necessarily eradicate hate-fuelled violence — and they could make structural and institutional violence seem more palatable.

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