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Artículos sobre Malcolm Turnbull

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A live audience of 30 from marginal seats gave Bill Shorten the marks by 17 to seven. Lukas Coch/AAP

Shorten plays Facebook game, telling people to hit Like

The innovative online debate was a livelier affair than the turn-off one at the National Press Club earlier in the campaign, though not a big moment of the campaign. It was Bill Shorten who was the nimbler…
Bill Shorten on Tuesday confirmed that he was open to the idea of a treaty with Australia’s Indigenous people. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Treaty talk is only one problem for Indigenous recognition referendum

Would debate about a treaty with the First Australians endanger the success of the proposed referendum for their constitutional recognition – as Malcolm Turnbull claims? Very likely. But it can’t be avoided…
Former Liberal leader John Hewson predicts that Malcolm Turnbull is on track to be returned as Prime Minister of Australia. Lukas Coch/AAP

Turnbull’s election to lose

Most voters suspect that whoever wins government, they will soon declare that “the economy is not as strong as we had hoped or been led to believe” – and that promises will need to be broken.
Malcolm Turnbull’s short biographical video on social media talks about being raised by his single-parent father, and the love his father Bruce showered on his son. AAP/Lukas Coch

Honour thy parents, lead thy nation: Turnbull and Shorten play to the family feeling

Malcolm Turnbull’s video and Bill Shorten’s book are underpinned by the same idea: the love their parents had for them, and that in turn imbued them with the right qualities to become prime minister.
Bill Shorten, launching Labor’s childcare policy, inadvertently set off a debate about the major party leaders’ respective feminist credentials. AAP/Joel Carrett

The f-word enters the campaign and trips up both major parties

Talk of ‘women’s issues’, such as childcare, both accepts they are less important than other issues and assumes they have no universal value.
In the early days of federal debates – which started in the 1980s – the public attention was much greater than now. Tracey Nearmy/AAP

Turnbull proposes an election debate ‘in the media of our time’

Amid general agreement that the National Press Club leaders’ debate was a turnoff, literally, Malcolm Turnbull has decided to be Mr Digital Man and organise things his way. The government has negotiated…
Both Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten are complex, enigmatic figures. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Malcolm or Bill: who would you invite to your barbecue?

A party can have the most brilliantly informed and farsighted policies. But if the protagonists cannot communicate these effectively to the electorate, they will be overlooked.
Malcolm Turnbull speaks to startup owners during an event at Engineers Australia in Melbourne. Lukas Coch/AAP

Turnbull finds it easy to declare himself a feminist

It seems easier for Malcolm Turnbull to say he is one, or to be one, than apparently it is for Julie Bishop or Michaelia Cash. Turnbull’s direct answer on Monday to a simple question – “would you describe…
Malcolm Turnbull addresses South Australian Liberal Party members during a speech on Saturday. Lukas Coch/AAP

Government and opposition in a dead heat: Newspoll

The latest Newspoll shows Coalition and Labor on 50-50% in two-party terms, while microparties and independents have increased their support in the past fortnight.
Nick Xenophon, an absolute vote magnet, appears likely to get at least three senators including himself. Julian Smith/AAP

Major parties have a lot to answer for in the drift to minor players

For those who might feel this election campaign will never end, it is worth revisiting why the voters are enduring eight weeks rather than the normal five. Calling a double dissolution – the specific circumstances…
Sam Dastyari and Bill Shorten ride ‘The Bill Bus’ in the Tasmanian town of Burnie. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Labor leads government in Ipsos poll

Labor has pulled ahead of the Coalition in the Fairfax Ipsos poll for the first time since Malcolm Turnbull became prime minister.

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