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Artículos sobre Mergers

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 34 artículos

Rogers’ takeover of Shaw has been approved by the Canadian government, but the deal comes with stringent conditions. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Here’s how the Rogers-Shaw merger could benefit Canadian customers

The new conditions that have been heaped onto Rogers as a result of the Rogers-Shaw merger could end up benefiting Canadian consumers and the economy at large.
The lawsuit filed by New York Attorney General Letitia James and 13 colleagues was the last roadblock to the merger. Drew Angerer/Getty Images

How the T-Mobile-Sprint merger will increase inequality

The T-Mobile-Sprint merger is the latest example of weakened enforcement of antitrust laws, which reduces competition and exacerbates already-record levels of inequality.
Air France planes await their passengers (2010). Mathieu Marquer/Wikimedia

Air France–KLM: when cooperation becomes confrontation

The surprise acquisition by the Netherlands of 14% of Air France–KLM, which triggered a dispute between the two nations, reveals a trend toward more of a national approach to industrial interests.
The Santos share price has slipped since its AGM in May and the board’s defence against a takeover is likely to face shareholder pressure if oil prices slide. David Mariuz/AAP

What impacts do takeover defences have on shareholders?

Australian companies have been employing many and varied takeover defences this year, including some that defy convention.
Consolidation is happening at a rapid pace. But who will bear the brunt of the costs? Khakimullin Aleksandr/

Defanged regulations have big media licking their chops

In the coming year, media companies will be adjusting to a new reality – one that ultimately leaves consumers with fewer choices.

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