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Artículos sobre Sony

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Toys are becoming increasingly advanced, but this can be more of a hindrance than a perk. Pixabay

Robots, AI and drones: when did toys turn into rocket science?

At Christmas shopping, you may have noticed toys are becoming very complex. They fly, hop, jump and follow you around – some even need to be ‘connected’. But why are we seeing such technical advances?
The components of an iPhone add up to a different cost than the phone itself. Poravute Siriphiroon/

The guts of an Apple iPhone show exactly what Trump gets wrong about trade

Trump believes the money Americans spend on Chinese imports like the iPhone goes straight into China’s pockets. In reality, China gets very little value from it.
That poster’s all you’re gonna get. Justin Lane/EPA

Sony must release The Interview

Is The Interview a good movie? We may never know. After the theft by North Korean hackers of vast quantities of confidential emails, pay information and unreleased film scripts, the drip-drip leaking of…
JK Shin unveils the latest Samsung Galaxy phone. samsungtomorrow

Many phones, little innovation at Mobile World Congress

The Mobile World congress in Barcelona is the largest mobile phone exhibition in the technology calendar and is the place to see the new mobile technologies that will be attempting to claim your money…
Sony CEO Andrew House launching the PlayStation 4 last month - will it change the face of gaming? EPA/Peter Foley

PlayStation 4: the platform’s more important than the power

Sony fired its salvo in the next-generation console wars with last month’s announcement of the PlayStation 4, set to be released later this year. But the hardware specifications of the new console – placed…
Compromising E-commerce sites has become the bread and butter of many hackers.

Hackers hit Steam: is it time to open the Valve on e-commerce regulation?

One of the world’s largest online video gaming networks, Steam, has been hacked and its 35 million users may have had their accounts “compromised”. And yes, “compromised” means their (encrypted) credit…
Does Sony have unique vulnerabilities, or has it just been unlucky? Everett Kennedy Brown/EPA

Sony hacked again: ‘it’s very worrying from a customer’s point of view’

Recent high-profile cyber attacks have dented the image of Japanese technology giant Sony and left millions of customers worried about the security of their personal information. An attack in April resulted…

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