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Artículos sobre Stars

Mostrando 161 - 172 de 172 artículos

A new study shows only 30% of stars in a globular cluster will reach old age and become planetary nebulae. NASA

A stellar mid-life crisis: why do some cluster stars die early?

It was written in the stars all along, but we’ve just found out: a whopping 70% of stars in a widely-studied cluster die before reaching old age which, for stars, is the most productive stage of their…
Involvement of citizen scientists meant that meant that someone, somewhere in the world, always had clear skies to be able to observe the binary star system.

Crowdsourcing astronomy: how backyard stargazers helped unlock SS Cygni’s secrets

SS Cygni, a famous stellar system made up of one normal star and one dead star, is much closer than previously thought, according to a new study by Australian researchers and citizen scientists. The new…
The black hole, circled, sits in a star cluster 300 million light-years away. Sean Farrell

Scientists find evidence of first ‘middleweight’ black hole

Explosive outbursts of super-hot gas in a galaxy 300 million light-years away have provided evidence of the first known “middleweight” black hole, according to scientists who observed the plasma jets with…

Milky Way may be brimming with nomads

Our galaxy may be teeming with so-called ‘nomad planets’, which travel through space rather than orbiting stars, according…

Superfast spinning star found

The star with the fastest rotation ever recorded has been discovered by researchers at the University of California, Santa…
Finding a star as young as AP Columbae is very rare. Flickr/tarotastic

Skygazers find Earth’s closest young star

Astronomers have a rare new star that is just 27 light years away from Earth, making it the closest young star ever found. AP Columbae, as the red dwarf star has been named, is just 40 million years old…

Stars run out of gas

Fewer stars are forming in the universe than ever before because the gas is starting to run out. Distant (and hence older…
Warning: you may struggle to believe what you’re about to read. Bluedharma

They might be giants: a mind-blowing sense of stellar scale

Just how big are the stars? Earth feels quite big, what with it taking an entire day to fly between Sydney and London, and clearly the sun and moon are quite large in the sky. But with virtually everything…

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