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Articles sur Texas

Affichage de 81 à 100 de 119 articles

After the Civil War, Texas’s sugar cane plantations were still farmed by unpaid black laborers – prisoners forced to work for free in a system called ‘convict leasing.’

A Texas city discovered a mass grave of prison laborers. What should it do with the bodies?

An African-American burial ground uncovered at a construction site in Texas has ignited debate on how to protect black history as suburban sprawl overtakes rural areas once farmed by enslaved workers.
Hurricane Harvey flooded one-third of Houston and displaced more then 30,000 people in the region. Janelle Rios

How Texas is ‘building back better’ from Hurricane Harvey

After disasters, communities often push to rebuild as quickly as possible. A public health expert says they should aim higher and fix problems that exist pre-storm.
A motorist drives through “nuisance flooding” in Charleston, SC, Oct. 1, 2015. AP Photo/Stephen B. Morton

An X-factor in coastal flooding: Natural climate patterns create hot spots of rapid sea level rise

Climate change is raising global sea levels. Now research shows that ‘hot spots’ where seas rise another 4 to 5 inches in five years can occur along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts, further magnifying floods.
Hurricane Irma caused major damage to Naples and other Florida cities. AP Photo/Gerald Herbert

5 ways to stretch your disaster relief dollars

The desire to help during emergencies like Hurricane Irma is admirable. Doing some homework might make your contributions go farther.
Soil has many secrets: technology can help reveal its mysteries. Martin Bridgen

Open soil science: technology is helping us discover the mysteries under our feet

Mapping the soil with open source application is vital to understanding how to protect it.
Interstate 69 in Humble, Texas is covered by floodwaters from Tropical Storm Harvey on Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2017. AP Photo/David J. Phillip

After Harvey, many Texans will think differently about hurricane risks

Many people may have stayed put during Hurricane Harvey because no storm that big had struck Texas since 1961. But like New Orleans after Katrina, Texas is likely to be much better prepared next time.
Residents pick through a makeshift aid station in Rockport, Texas after Harvey struck their city. AP Photo/Eric Gay

Stretching your donation dollars: 5 tips

The desire to help during emergencies like Hurricane Harvey is admirable. With a little homework, your contributions will go further.

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