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Articles on Smartphones

Displaying 201 - 220 of 313 articles

The typical view at a concert when fans take out their smartphones. Shutterstock/Pressmaster

There’s a time to put down the smartphone, seriously!

There’s a time and place for a smartphone and some artists and sports stars want you to stop using them when they’re performing. Just enjoy the live event instead.
Pokémon Go players gather in Union Square in New York, USA. EPA/Justin Lane

What’s made Pokémon GO such a viral success?

Augmented reality games have been around for more than a decade, so what was it about Pokémon GO that allowed it to become a global phenomenon?
Chris, Tim, Lachlan and Emma travelled to the University of Queensland’s Great Court to play Pokemon Go. Daniel Angus

Pokemon GO gets people out and about, and that’s a good thing

The Pokemon GO craze has transformed a generation of gamers who admit they would otherwise be inside watching TV, surfing the internet, or playing console games.

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