Richard Levine/Alamy Stock Photo
Some pharmacies are selling ‘generic’ semaglutide online, despite the drug still being under patent protection.
The diet industry’s reliance on the ‘calories in, calories out’ concept is why society blames people for being overweight. But it’s a myth.
Despite the promise of drugs that can help people shed pounds, healthy lifestyle choices are still key to overall health.
Zing Images / DigitalVision via Getty Images
Anti-obesity medications are becoming the go-to treatment for weight loss. But drugs alone may not provide the same benefits as lifestyle choices like exercise and a healthy diet.
Is this really what our Paleolithic ancestors ate? New data suggests prehistoric diets had a lot more overlap with our own than earlier studies estimated.
The Paleo Diet is popular, but research has yet to substantiate its purported health benefits. As evolutionary anthropologists, here’s why we think it’s time to leave the Paleo Diet in the past.
Certain factors can disrupt the gut microbiota. These include our diet, alcohol consumption, antibiotics and inflammatory bowel disease.
A new study shows that the gut microbiota has little or no effect on our weight, metabolism and risk of developing chronic diseases.
The traditional assumption that eating disorders primarily affect affluent white women has led to stigma, stereotyping and misunderstanding.
toondelamour/E+ via Getty Images
Eating disorders in teens are common and dangerous, and parents and loved ones play a crucial role in helping to both identify concerning behaviors and promote healthy ones.
Rostislav Sedlacek/Shutterstock
Permanent weight loss is hard to achieve. But the good news is: there are still benefits to temporary weight loss.
There have been substantial improvements in some areas of TB therapeutics.
Punit Paranjpe/AFP via Getty Images
Less than half of the children aged 0-14 who have TB are diagnosed – so they never even start treatment.
Semaglutide helps control blood sugar and turns off hunger signals in the brain.
myskin/ Shutterstock
Overweight or obese patients who meet certain criteria will soon be able to access the much talked about weight-loss jab.
Mid-morning workouts may just have slightly more benefit than evening ones.
BELL KA PANG/ Shutterstock
Mice who exercised in the late morning had approximately two-fold greater fat breakdown.
An extra 10-20 minutes of walking each day can really make a difference.
Ground Picture/ Shutterstock
Making small changes to your everyday habits may be easier to stick with over the long run.
A healthy diet – with plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains – is one key to a healthy body.
Oscar Wong/Moment via Getty Images
Detox diets and cleanses supposedly clear the body of allegedly toxic substances. But the evidence suggests otherwise.
farhad ibrahimzade/unsplash
We always hear the last five kilos are the hardest to lose when dieting. The number is made up, but the principle is correct – it’s called the weight-loss plateau.
file m k.
Nutritionists pick out the most effective intermittent fasting diets based on the latest science.
Many people wish to target fat loss in their stomach.
Prostock-studio/ Shutterstock
Despite years of study, evidence on whether it’s possible remains mixed.
pexels/nicole michalou
We all eat and drink a bit too much over Christmas and the holidays. But how guilty do we really need to feel about it?
Africa Studio/Shutterstock
Some healthy habits to adopt over the festive period.
Jacob Lund / Alamy Stock Photo
Obesity is a chronic illness, so treatments should be ‘chronic’ too.
Magic mine/Shutterstock
Large new study identifies very early risk factors for pancreatic cancer.
World Obesity Federation
It’s important to think about the weight-related outcomes are you’re hoping for and what other approaches could be tried first.