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Artikel-artikel mengenai Australia

Menampilkan 501 - 520 dari 648 artikel

The Warratyi rock shelter is elevated above a local stream catchment in South Australia. Giles Hamm

The evidence of early human life in Australia’s arid interior

Archaeologists found thousands of objects in a remote Australian cave which shows Aborigines made it inland some 10,000 years earlier than first thought. So what did they find?
A March 21, 2014 photograph of asylum seekers behind a fence at the Manus Island detention centre. AAP/Eoin Blackwell

Same old rhetoric cannot justify banning refugees from Australia

The government’s message to asylum seekers is already clear: you are not welcome, and you will not be resettled in Australia. Surely that message does not need to be any harsher.
Singapore and Australia have a lot in common. Shutterstock

In a glass clearly: Singapore and Australia compared

You can drive across Singapore (population 5.5 million) in 45 minutes – roughly the same time it takes to reach Gawler from the Adelaide CBD. As an equatorial island, the climate is warm all the year round…
Disputed: Taiping Island, in the South China Sea. Office of the President of Taiwan

Business Briefing: Trouble in the South China Sea

Business Briefing: Trouble in the South China Sea The Conversation14,1 MB (download)
The international court ruling against China's expansion in the South China Sea puts Australia in a tricky situation.
The original excavation of Mungo Man, found near Lake Mungo in southwestern New South Wales, Australia. Wilfred Shawcross.

New DNA study confirms ancient Aborigines were the First Australians

Research first published in 2001 has been used to question of whether Aboriginal People were the First Australians. So why not re-test those results with improved techniques and equipment?

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