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Artikel-artikel mengenai Carbon price

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A protester holds a photo of an oil-soaked Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during a demonstration against the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion in Vancouver on May 29, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

Justin Trudeau’s risky gamble on the Trans Mountain pipeline

The Trudeau government’s decision to buy the Trans Mountain pipeline from Kinder Morgan is incredibly risky. Here’s why.
No about-face: Barnaby Joyce (left) may have gone to the backbench, but his successor Michael McCormack looks set to keep his climate views aflame. AAP Image/Mick Tsikas

The Nationals have changed their leader but kept the same climate story

Barnaby Joyce had a long history of opposing climate action. His successor Michael McCormack seems to think the same way, despite climate being a growing threat to the Nationals’ rural voters.
The price of new-build renewable energy is expected to fall significantly relative to new-build coal energy in coming years. AAP Image/Lucy Hughes Jones

Renewables will be cheaper than coal in the future. Here are the numbers

The price of renewable energy will fall significantly relative to new-build coal in coming decades, making an all-renewable electricity system more desirable, both economically and environmentally.
With the right power policies, gas can have a brighter future. Steven Bradley

Want to boost the domestic gas industry? Put a price on carbon

The current domestic gas crisis will pass. But if the industry wants to surpass coal and fulfil its role as a ‘transition fuel’, it should lobby for a carbon price to help it on its way.
Australian voters rejected carbon taxation. But some US conservatives are now embracing it. AAP Image/Paul Miller

Tax and dividend: how conservatives can grow to love carbon pricing

Taxing carbon has always been a tricky political sell for conservatives. But a group of establishment US Republicans is touting the idea of a carbon “tax and dividend” as a way to break the deadlock.
Australia’s power policies still aren’t heading in quite the right direction. AAP Image/Mick Tsikas

Australia’s energy sector is in critical need of reform

Australia’s energy policy has lost its way over the past couple of decades, which is unfortunate because the challenges – to move to a low-carbon economy without high prices – have never been tougher.
Labor has released a six point climate plan, which features a proposed phased emissions trading scheme. Lukas Coch/AAP

PolicyCheck: Labor’s phased emissions trading scheme

Labor has said it would introduce an emissions trading scheme for large emitters. PolicyCheck unpacks the detail and provenance of this proposed plan.
Malcolm Turnbull’s speech to the Paris climate summit lacked real focus, but he still has time to grab the issue with both hands before the election. EPA/Christophe Petit Tesson

Ideas for Australia: A six-point plan for getting climate policy back on track

Australia has been mired in climate confusion for years - as reflected by its underwhelming performance at last year’s Paris climate summit. Here’s how to get things back on an even keel.
To decarbonise the electricity sector, Australia could increase the volume of renewables while closing old fossil fuel power stations. Wind turbine image from

After Paris: now what for Australia’s climate policy?

Under the Paris climate agreement, Australia has stated that it will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 26-28% by 2030 compared to 2005 levels. How will we achieve this?

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