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Artikel-artikel mengenai Charles Darwin

Menampilkan 81 - 87 dari 87 artikel

If you’re born underweight, like this little baby on the left, it can make a world of difference to your lifelong health. Menzies Health

Australia’s 7 Up: the revealing study tracking babies to adults

Tony Abbott is spending this week in North-East Arnhem Land, part of his long-held hope “to be not just the Prime Minister but the Prime Minister for Aboriginal Affairs”. We asked our experts: what stories…
The Secrets of the Hand premieres on SBS at 8:30pm Sunday April 13. SBS

The future in your palm: science and The Secrets of the Hand

For thousands of years, people believed their future could be read in the lines etched into the palm of their hands. The ancient art of palmistry, originating in India, claimed a close examination of the…
Riding underwater on Darwin’s most popular bike path, on 1 February 2014. Andrew Campbell

A wet warning from Australia’s Top End on rising sea levels

Rising sea levels are typically written about as a “threat to future generations” – something to worry about by 2050 or 2100, not now. But if you want to see why even relatively small increases in sea…
Most us know that calling someone an ape is racist, but few of us understand why. The Hornet magazine, 1871

The ape insult: a short history of a racist idea

European scientists used evolution to justify their view of Europeans as genetically superior - especially with the erroneous view that Africans were somehow an intermediate step between apes and Europeans.
US Marine Corps Camp Schwab: on-site protesters have hindered Japan’s new US airbase construction here to replace the controversial Futenma Air Station. EPA/Ashimine

Australia is now Uncle Sam’s ‘Keystone of the Pacific’: learn from Okinawa

Uncle Sam’s military presence in Australia is greater now than ever, and more is on the way. The hundreds of Marines rotational in Darwin since April will grow to 2,500 by 2016, bringing with them more…

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