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Artikel-artikel mengenai COVID-19

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Amid the latest surge of COVID-19 cases, health care workers yet again are having to make difficult triage decisions in caring for patients. Morsa Images/E+ via Getty Images

During a COVID-19 surge, ‘crisis standards of care’ involve excruciating choices and impossible ethical decisions for hospital staff

A physician-bioethicist reflects on how health professionals are yet again facing painful reminders of the early months of the pandemic.
London Mayor Khan has declared a major incident in London as omicron cases surge in the capital. Andy Rain/EPA

Omicron: what the next few weeks will look like

New omicron cases are doubling approximately every two days in some parts of the UK, including London.
Last May, churches in low income communities across New York offered COVID-19 testing to residents in conjunction with Northwell Health and New York State, where COVID-19 hit residents the hardest. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Income inequality and COVID-19: We are in the same storm, but not in the same boat

How two Canadian teams of economists and epidemiologists studied COVID-19 from a social science perspective to show that higher national income inequality is associated with worse COVID outcomes.
We interact with nanoparticles in multiple ways every day. The nanoparticles in this illustration are delivering drugs to cells. (Shutterstock)

The nanoparticles in mRNA vaccines are nothing to fear: We interact with many useful, tiny particles every day

Some vaccine hesitancy is based on a fear of the nanoparticles used in mRNA vaccines. But humans have been interacting with nanoparticles for millennia, and we use nanotechnology-based devices every day.
Sequencing the genome of a virus gives researchers information on how mutations can affect its transmissibility and virulence. catalinr/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Genomic sequencing: Here’s how researchers identify omicron and other COVID-19 variants

DNA sequencing has allowed researchers to catch new COVID-19 variants hours after receiving the first positive test sample.
With the holiday season approaching, people wait to receive a COVID-19 vaccination in Montréal as the pandemic continues in Canada and around the world. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes

Answers from COVID experts: How do you talk to family members who aren’t vaccinated? How can the vaccines be safe if they were developed so quickly? Is natural immunity better than being vaccinated?

A panel of experts answer questions about vaccines, omicron and other COVID-related issues in a discussion with The Conversation.
Nearly 50,000 Americans kill themselves every year, leaving behind millions of family members and friends. svetikd/E+ via Getty Images

How to help those who have lost loved ones to suicide cope with grief during the holidays

Nearly all suicide-loss survivors experience guilt, wondering what they could have done to prevent it. But despite decades of research, experts struggle to identify risk factors and predict suicide.
Eye doctors report that patients are more frequently saying during routine exams that their eyes are irritated, burn and sting. (Shutterstock)

Face masks, digital screens and winter weather are a triple threat for dry eyes

Increased digital screen use, face masks and winter weather combine to form a triple threat to eye health: The dry eye triad. Here’s how to combat the resulting eye fatigue, irritation and discomfort.

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