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Artikel-artikel mengenai Critical race

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Colten Boushie’s uncle Alvin Baptiste raises an eagle’s wing as demonstrators gather outside of the courthouse in North Battleford, Sask., on Saturday, Feb. 10, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Matt Smith

The myth of the Wheat King and the killing of Colten Boushie

In the acquittal of Gerald Stanley we must remember how one-sided systematic remembering in Canada has been. We must remember how Canadian-state law created the myth of the homesteader as Wheat King.
Health impacts from anti-Black racism and anti-Indigeneity are often dismissed or kept silent by health scholars and health care workers. Shutterstock

Racism impacts your health

A health and human rights researcher, therapist and professor explains why racial justice is a public health issue.
Indigenous community members are doing the work to situate Colten Boushie’s life and death within the colonial context, answering not if race was a factor, but how and why. Colten Boushie’s brother, Jace Boushie, looks on during a media event at the Battlefords Agency Tribal Chiefs office after a jury delivered a verdict of not guilty in the trial of Gerald Stanley. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Liam Richards

Stanley trial highlights colonialism of Canadian media

What can the events surrounding Colten Boushie’s death, the trial verdict and its media coverage tell us about the role of journalism and journalists in relation to Indigenous concerns in Canada?
Letitia Wright in Black Panther. Popular discussions about the movie demonstrate a desire for representation in commercial media. (Marvel/Disney)

Black Panther roars. Are we listening?

Black Panther arrives at a moment of possibility. Its popularity demonstrates that people are crying out for chances to see themselves and their communities portrayed with dignity—as heroes.
Colten Boushie’s uncle, Alvin Baptiste, and his brother Jace Boushie address demonstrators gathered outside of the courthouse in North Battleford, Sask.,on Feb.10, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Matt Smith

‘Clearing the plains’ continues with the acquittal of Gerald Stanley

It’s time for an overhaul of the justice system in Canada: How juries are selected, how Indigenous victims are treated and to challenge embedded racism within police forces and courts.
Dr. Cindy Blackstock, executive director of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society, has called on the federal government to stop its chronic underfunding of services for Indigenous children. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jeff McIntosh

Canada guilty of forging crisis in Indigenous foster care

No project for reconciliation can succeed unless the federal and provincial governments roll back their power and create space for Indigenous control over their own self-determining futures.
The fear and distress caused by a false missile alarm last week on Jan. 13 in Hawaii is part of the 125 year legacy of American occupation. Here, cars drive past a highway sign: “Missile alert in error. There is no threat” on the H-1 Freeway in Honolulu. (Cory Lum/Civil Beat via AP)

Life, death and politics in Hawaii: 125 years of colonial rule

The fear and distress caused by a false missile alarm last week in Hawaii is part of the 125- year legacy of American occupation.
MLK Day is a reminder to honour the voices and actions of our pasts but it is also a call to action to look at our current lives and see what we can do better. Pictured: a Black Lives Matter protest in NYC, July 2016. (Shutterstock)

Raising hope: Parenting in an anti-Black environment

In a climate of Trumpism, where racism and violence are daily occurrences, the need to reflect on our racialized children and our anti-racism parenting is critical – on MLK Day and every day.
Stranger Things 2 aims to raise political issues but misses the radical roots of rainbow coalition politics in episode seven and instead falls into mainstream Hollywood traps of centrist politics. (Courtesy of Netflix)

Stranger Things 2 relies on nostalgic race politics

The makers of the wildly popular Netflix show, Stranger Things, have a political message as they allude to Trump with their hairy, orange Shadow Monster. But what are their actual politics?
Whichwood is one of five great reads for teens that highlight authentic experiences, marginalized voices and critical thinking. (Dutton Books)

Five great reads to help teens become critical thinkers

Here are five great book recommendations for teens that promote critical thinking, authentic voices, diversity and good conversations.
Islamophobia in Québec has roots that lie within our missionary past and the Christian nature of our society. We need to reinterpret out past in order to move forward and past 20th century racism. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes)

Islamophobia in Québec: An ideology rooted in 20th century imperialism

The current aggressive version of Islamophobia in Québec is unique to the province. We need a critical re-interpretation of our own history to build a Québec freed from our old racist patterns.
Current medical inadmissibility rules for newcomers are out of touch with Canadian values and need to be reformed. Here, candles around an AIDS symbol on World AIDS Day in Quezon city, Philippines 2016. (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

A ray of hope on World AIDS Day for Canadian immigrants

World AIDS Day is an opportunity to discuss how current medical inadmissibility rules for newcomers are out of touch with Canadian values and need to be reformed.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and two-spirited people who were forced out of the military or public service and some who were even prosecuted criminally for “gross indecency.” (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck)

LGBTQ2 apology is a good start, but it’s not enough

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau plans to make a formal apology to LGBTQ2 communities for past state-sanctioned discrimination against them in Canada. But the apology must be more than just words.
Model Adriana Lima walks the stage in “Nomadic Adventure” lingerie “inspired by indigenous African cultures,” at the Victoria’s Secret fashion show in Shanghai on Nov. 20. (Handout)

Victoria’s Secret does it again: Cultural appropriation

At Victoria’s Secret recent fashion show on Nov. 20, models strutted down the runway wearing Native-inspired regalia. There is no excuse for this socially irresponsible behaviour.
Loyalty to the British Empire is taught to these second and third generation Japanese children in an Internment Camp in British Columbia circa 1942. (CP PHOTO/Jack Long National Archives of Canada C-067492)

300 letters of outrage from Japanese Canadians who lost their homes

Recently, 300 protest letters written by Japanese Canadians in the 1940s were reopened. The letters convey a deep sense of loss, injustice and outrage by Japanese Canadians who lost their homes.
Cory Watson of the Edmonton Eskimos reacts to losing to the Calgary Stampeders in the CFL West Final on Sunday. The word Eskimo signals negative and archaic stereotypes and is considered by most Inuit to be a racial slur. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jeff McIntosh

Edmonton Eskimos is a racial slur and it’s time to stop using it

The use of the word Eskimos for a Canadian football team needs to end. It signals negative stereotypes and is considered by most Inuit to be a racial slur.
Clinics in Toronto serving refugees and the uninsured indicate that 20 per cent of all visits are for pregnancy-related issues. (Shutterstock)

Canada’s impending refugee crisis and how midwives can save the day

About 20 per cent of refugees to Canada are pregnant. Many of them are medically uninsured. It’s not only morally correct to provide prenatal care, but also cheaper for Canada’s system to do so.
Germany has introduced new legislation to try to stop the rise of online hate speech. It’s a phenomenon that’s happening in Canada too and many analysts point to the impact of Donald Trump’s politics. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

The Trump effect in Canada: A 600 per cent increase in online hate speech

There has been a 600 per cent increase in online hate speech since Nov. 2015. The solution to stop the tide lies in both anti-hate laws and self-awareness education for audiences.
Métis Family and a Red River Cart, 1883. (State Historical Society of North Dakota, A4365)

Becoming Indigenous: The rise of Eastern Métis in Canada

New census data sheds light on the country’s Indigenous population. In Eastern Canada, the rise in people claiming to be “Métis” is a controversial case of “settler self-indigenization.”

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