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Artikel-artikel mengenai Donald Trump

Menampilkan 2941 - 2960 dari 3453 artikel


Why woman-bashing is a serious health threat

Millions of women felt insulted by Donald Trump’s language toward women. Others overlooked it, seeing the female candidate as flawed. Here’s why this might suggest a growing health crisis for women.
A whirlwind of speculation about Deutsche Bank’s health has surrounded its headquarters in Munich. AP Photo/Michael Probst

Deutsche Bank turmoil shows risks of weakening bank capital standards

Is the financial system headed for another ‘Lehman moment’? Perhaps, but a bailout isn’t the solution. More capital is, something Trump should remember as he rewrites U.S. bank rules.
What drew white voters to Donald Trump? AP Photo/ Evan Vucci

The real reason Trump won: White fright

Exit polling shows that Hillary Clinton actually won the poor and working class vote. If “Make America Great Again” wasn’t fueled by an angry underclass, what powered it?
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has a complex relationship with the Liberal Party’s powerful social conservatives. AAP Image/Mick Tsikas

Pressure on Malcolm Turnbull to bend to conservatives is stronger than ever

The pressure on Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to bend to the conservative right factions of the Liberal and National parties has been compounded by the election of Donald Trump.

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