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Artikel-artikel mengenai Flight MH370

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Debris or not debris? Floating rubbish could hamper the search for MH370. AAP Image/AP Pool, Kim Christian

The difficulty of searching for MH370 in a giant rubbish patch

Frustratingly, the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has turned up many floating objects, but none of them are from the plane. That’s largely because the latest search area is likely to…
Chinese anger at Malaysia’s handling of the search for flight MH370 has had a damaging impact on the bilateral relationship. EPA/Kamal Sellehuddin

The diplomatic fallout from flight MH370 reveals a region on edge

When Malaysian Airlines flight 370 failed to arrive, authorities at first concluded it had crashed in a relatively shallow part of the Gulf of Thailand. As the days passed more countries dispatched ships…
Australian Navy vessel Ocean Shield left Perth yesterday to join the search for missing flight MH370 and its black box flight recorders. AAP/Tim Clarke

Under the deep blue ocean: the search for MH370’s black box

As the effort to find Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 moves inexorably towards the recovery stage, the challenge of finding the plane’s flight recorder (called the “black box” even though it’s actually…
Maths can help in the hunt for MH370. EPA/Australian Department of Defence

How statistics can help in the mission to find MH370

That the Malaysian government, with the help of the UK’s INMARSAT, was able to dramatically narrow down the search area for flight MH370, made it seem much more likely that the wreckage of the plane might…
The government of Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak (pictured centre) has come under fire for its handling of the MH370 disaster. EPA/Ahmad Yusni

Malaysian government tested in a situation it can’t control

In the latest press conference on missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak has said there is sufficient evidence that the airliner crashed in a remote part of the Indian…
A Japanese P-3 Orion involved in the search for missing flight MH370. EPA/Paul Kane

Confirming debris is of MH370 will start a new phase of the search

As the search resumes for any debris in the southern Indian Ocean today air crash investigators still need to find proof it could be wreckage from the missing Malaysia Airlines flight. Confirming the debris…
After two weeks, any floating debris could be hundreds of miles from the wreck. Richard Wainwright/EPA

Recovering MH370 will be difficult in a complex, unforgiving ocean

It has been confirmed that the Malaysia Airlines plane that disappeared on March 8 crashed into the southern Indian Ocean. It would be hard to choose a more complicated region of the ocean to be searching…
Plenty of questions on what happened to flight MH370 but patience needed in any investigation. AAP Image/Getty Images Pool, Paul Kane

Keep calm and carry on – don’t rush the investigation of MH370

Air crash investigators on flight MH370 will need to counter the public demand for a quick answer as they begin the long-term safety analysis. What happened to the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 will likely…
A room in Beijing reserved for relatives of those on MH370. Ng Han Guan/AP

Flight MH370 confirmed lost: experts respond

Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak has confirmed that Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 crashed in the southern Indian Ocean, with no survivors. In a press conference, Razak said new information proved…
Countries’ anxiety about revealing their intelligence capabilities makes them loath to share the results of surveillance even for life-and-death searches. AAP/NEWZULU/Zaki Zulfadhli

The Ultra Syndrome: did it hamper the search for flight MH370?

Ultra was the Allies’ name for highly classified intelligence information obtained during World War Two by breaking encrypted enemy radio communications. “It was thanks to Ultra that we won the war,” Winston…
Air and sea search for missing flight MH370 in one of the most volatile oceans. AAP/AP/Rob Griffith

Why locating MH370 in the Southern Ocean is so difficult

Searching for the debris of flight MH370 in the Southern Ocean is not just a case of looking for a needle in a haystack; it is a case of searching for a needle that moves hundreds of kilometres every day…
Malaysia Airlines’ comms strategy should be grounded. Andy Mitchell

Government links complicate Malaysia Airlines’ crisis response

Even as we learn more about the disappearance of flight MH370, there is still a huge amount to find out about what went wrong. There is no evidence to suggest that the cause of the airplane’s disappearance…
Australia’s maritime search and rescue zone covers a vast area. AMSA/AAP

The law of the sea and commercial ships in the search for MH370

The first ship to reach the area of Indian ocean being searched for the missing flight MH370 is the Norwegian commercial car carrier, the Höegh St Petersburg. At the request of the Australian Maritime…
An RAAF pilot steers his AP-3C Orion over the Southern Indian Ocean during the search for MH370. AAP/Department of Defence, Sergeant Hamish Paterson.

After flight MH370 is found, what happens next?

Once any wreckage is found, then begins the slow process of trying to find out how Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 ended up where it did. Authorities are still searching for signs of any objects seen about…
Few of us understand what happens when the doors are closed for take off. EPA/Mak Remissa

If MH370 was sabotage, look to the organisation for answers

As authorities rush to a remote corner of the southern Indian Ocean to identify wreckage that could be part of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, speculation remains as to whether its disappearance…
Still no signal. EPA/Luong Thai Linh

If we’d used the cloud, we might know where MH370 is now

As the biggest ever hunt for a missing plane continues, many are beginning to wonder if we will ever know what happened to Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. If the plane has crashed, it has been suggested…

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