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Artikel-artikel mengenai International Women's Day

Menampilkan 61 - 73 dari 73 artikel

Women need to recalibrate feminist action so that it’s not just about them advancing in society on men’s terms. Shutterstock

Feminism has failed and needs a radical rethink

The second-wave feminists of the 1970s wanted to create radical shifts in gender power. Instead, women have settled for much less.
Australia is well-placed on the world stage to make a real difference to the lives of Afghanistan’s women. Jalil Rezayee/EPA

As Australia takes the world stage, it’s time to fulfil promises to Afghan and Syrian women

Today, the world marks International Women’s Day, recognising the equal rights and status of women. This year, Australia is significantly placed on the world stage to make a real difference to women’s…
An Australian Museum of Women’s History should celebrate women’s contributions to the nation. AAP/Lukas Coch

Welcome to the Museum of Australian Women’s History

Situated in Melbourne’s busy Arts Precinct, by the Yarra and the Botanical Gardens, is Victoria’s newest museum and the first museum in the country dedicated to Australian women’s history. The Museum of…
Globally, one in three women will be beaten in their lifetime. Angela Sevin

Ending violence against women is good for everyone

Gender-based violence is condemned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Declaration on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women. But globally, one in three women will…
Julia Gillard’s recent leadership battle provides a lesson for all executive women. AAP

How the gender balance increases the company bottom line

Today is the 101st anniversary of International Women’s Day, a day celebrated around the world to mark the legal, political, social and economic achievements of women. The change in corporate governance…

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