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Artikel-artikel mengenai Mental health

Menampilkan 921 - 940 dari 2029 artikel

More than half of patients with dementia also suffer from depression. If the depression remains untreated, the associated memory and cognitive problems worsen. Conversely, a significant history of depression seems to be a risk factor for dementia. (Pixabay)

Depression and dementia in the age of COVID-19: Two sides, one coin

Dementia and depression are two diagnoses that rob older adults of health and happiness. Despite their obvious differences, it is becoming ever more apparent that the two conditions are connected.
Trucks like this are used to convey inmates to the prison in Lagos State, Nigeria. Over 70 percent of inmates in Nigeria have not appeared in court and haven’t been sentenced. Pius Utomi Ekpei/AFP via Getty Images

Waiting for trial can be worse than facing the sentence: a study in Nigerian prisons

The proportion of prisoners awaiting trial in Nigeria is disturbing, and prolonged imprisonment can have a damaging effect on their mental functioning .
Some nurses who live in Windsor, Ont. work at hospitals in Detroit, just across the Ambassador Bridge. (Shutterstock)

Heroes, or just doing our job? The impact of COVID-19 on registered nurses in a border city

Nurses on both sides of the border report that they aren’t getting the support they need to feel safe on the job and maintain their own health and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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