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Artikel-artikel mengenai National Energy Guarantee

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Abbott played down the importance of the government’s much-vaunted tax cuts in comparison with the implications of energy policy. Daniel Pockett/AAP

Exit Paris climate agreement: Tony Abbott

Delivering the Bob Carter Commemorative Lecture in Melbourne, Abbott said: “Withdrawing from the Paris agreement that is driving the NEG would be the best way to keep prices down and employment up”
As the name suggests, Windy Hill near Cairns gets its fair share of power-generating weather. Leonard Low/Flickr/Wikimedia Commons

New coal doesn’t stack up – just look at Queensland’s renewable energy numbers

There are calls from the backbench and elsewhere for the federal government to safeguard the future of coal. But do those calls make economic sense? A look at Queensland’s energy landscape suggests not.
Before the Coalition party room meeting Abbott had again publicly left the way open to cross the floor when legislation comes to parliament, assuming Frydenberg gets a deal at the COAG Energy Council in August. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Tony Abbott loses traction in his fight on energy

Malcolm Turnbull and Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg had clear Coalition party room support on Tuesday to decisively stare down a fresh sortie by Tony Abbott on the National Energy Guarantee.
The new climate policy review proposes loosening the rules on Australia’s biggest-emitting companies, such as power generators. Marcella Cheng/The Conversation

The federal Climate Policy Review: a recipe for business as usual

The federal government’s keenly awaited review of Australia’s climate policies continues a longstanding bipartisan traditional of weak policy development in this area.
A new report claims that combing renewable energy sources like solar with battery storage could safely take Australia to 50% renewables by 2030. AAP Image/Lucy Hughes Jones

‘Finkel’s new energy report’ isn’t new and it isn’t by Finkel

A recent report claims that Australia’s energy can reliably come from 50% renewable sources by 2030. But arguing over renewable levels distracts from a paucity of policy.
Scott Morrison on Tuesday said reform was harder now than in the 1990s. Lukas Coch/AAP

Morrison finds his productivity report is useful for Labor too

Just as the government hopes it is making progress on the energy conundrum, it finds itself struggling on another front of deep public disgruntlement – the NBN. The rollout of what’s generally considered…
The new energy policy could potentially function to preserve black coal’s place in the energy mix. AAP Image/Dan Himbrechts

Will the National Energy Guarantee hit pause on renewables?

The National Energy Guarantee proposal seems geared towards locking in the status quo rather than driving the much-needed energy transition.

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