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Artikel-artikel mengenai NATO

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Unlike every president who followed him, George H.W. Bush had a background in foreign policy. In 1972, Bush was serving as U.S. ambassador to the U.N. AP Photo/Dave Pickoff

Why we’ll miss George H.W. Bush, America’s last foreign policy president

The first President Bush had some impressive foreign policies wins, but could he be best remembered for getting the US entangled in Iraq?
The outrage over Trump’s comments at the joint press conference meant an opportunity for meaningful debate about policy was lost. AAP/EPA/Anatoly Maltsev

In the outrage over the Trump-Putin meeting, important questions were overlooked

The extensive media coverage of the Helsinki meeting was almost universally critical of Trump, which overshadowed the chance to ask more meaningful questions about how the world deals with Russia.
The son of a cognac maker, Jean Monnet became a champion of a unified Europe after finding inspiration for a harmonious federalist model in Canada. Fondation Jean Monnet

How Canada inspired the Frenchman who helped unite Europe

In the early 1900s, young Frenchman Jean Monnet travelled Canada and was inspired by its unique form of federalism. It helped fuel his interest in a unified Europe and a transatlantic community.
Millennials are not into the ‘We are the greatest country’ idea. Shutterstock

Millennials are so over US domination of world affairs

Millennials are less inclined than older Americans to intervene abroad, maintain superior military power or believe the US is an exceptional nation. What does that mean for the country’s future?
Supporters of Nationalist Movement Party at a rally before the June election. REUTERS/Osman Orsal

A turbulent future may be in store for US-Turkish relations

Turkey’s close relationship with the US dates back to the Cold War. But after the June election there put nationalists into a position of power in the government, that alliance could turn rocky.
Is Donald Trump a pawn of Russia? A mini-blimp floating during anti-Trump protests in London depicts the president as a giant baby – just as he prepares to meet with Vladimir Putin. (AP Photo/Matt Dunham)

Is Trump Putin’s ‘stooge?’

As Donald Trump prepares to meet with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, here’s a detailed explanation of how one goes about subverting democracy via a stooge.
Trump and Putin have had generally friendlier relations than Trump and NATO. Reuters/Jorge Silva

Russia is top on NATO’s agenda and Trump is the wild card

After Russia’s 2014 invasion of Ukraine, NATO members felt a renewed sense of purpose: deter Putin. Trump’s anti-NATO, pro-Russia talk is thus an existential threat to this old transatlantic alliance.

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