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Artikel-artikel mengenai Plastic

Menampilkan 181 - 200 dari 337 artikel

Over 99 percent of today’s plastics come from oil, but new bio-based options are becoming available. Icons by Vectors Market, Freepik and srip

The surprising way plastics could actually help fight climate change

One big problem with plastics is that they’re largely made of petroleum. Sourcing bio-polymers from plants and bacteria has some big benefits – and the technology is starting to take off.
Many plastics that used BPA have now replaced it with substitutes like BPS, a related molecule that may have just as many health issues. skhunda/

Study shows BPA substitutes may cause same health issues as the original

BPA, used widely in plastics and as a liner in food cans, was replaced by a related chemical called BPS. But it seems that this substitute may also harm eggs and sperm and disrupt hormones.
Plastic bags, balloons, and rope fragments were among more than 100 pieces of plastic in the gut of a single turtle. Qamar Schuyler

How much plastic does it take to kill a turtle? Typically just 14 pieces

Autopsies of 1,000 turtles washed up on Australian beaches paint a grim picture of the impact of plastic debris. Even a single piece can be deadly, and on average 14 pieces equals a 50% fatality rate.
Conveyors carry mixed plastic into a device that will shred recycle them at a plastics recycling plant in Vernon, California. AP Photo/Reed Saxon,File

The plastic waste crisis is an opportunity for the US to get serious about recycling at home

Since China stopped importing ‘foreign garbage’ in March 2018, scrap – especially plastic – has built up in the US. Will this shock trigger long-overdue investments in plastic recycling here?
Microplastics in the Mediterranean Sea. By Dirk Wahn/

We are guinea pigs in a worldwide experiment on microplastics

Microplastics are everywhere–our water, soil, and even the air we breathe. The consequences of this exposure on human health is unknown. But studies in animals give us reason to worry.
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is used in a variety of applications from plumbing to health care to electronics. By SIRIKANLAYA KHLIBNGERN/

Obesity and diabetes: 2 reasons why we should be worried about the plastics that surround us

The most common explanation for obesity is overeating calorie-rich foods and a sedentary lifestyle. But new studies suggest that chemicals in our environment might be another cause.

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