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Artikel-artikel mengenai Prison

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Governments should adopt measures that have been proven to be effective or at least show promise. Shutterstock

3 ways to help sex offenders safely reintegrate back into the community

Governments impose harsh restrictions to the freedom of sex offenders after their sentence. But there’s no evidence to support that ‘doing more of the same’ improves community safety.
The burial of some of the Japanese prisoners of war who lost their lives in the mass outbreak from B Camp, (the Japanese section), at No. 12 Prisoner Of War compound in the early hours of August 5, 1944. Australian War Memorial (073487)

The Cowra breakout: remembering and reflecting on Australia’s biggest prison escape 75 years on

It’s one of the largest prison escapes in world history and it’s through fiction we can understand the tragedy, from both an Australian and Japanese perspective.
Every state bears the burden of the opioid crisis. Digital Deliverance/

Opioid epidemic may have cost states at least $130 billion in treatment and related expenses – and that’s just the tip of the iceberg

State governments are leading the charge against opioid makers over their role in the epidemic. A team of researchers at Penn State examined just how much the crisis has cost them.
The youth justice system should consider alternative community-based models that better recognise the ability for young people to abandon crime. Dean Lewins/AAP

Young crime is often a phase, and locking kids up is counterproductive

Australia should look to the New Zealand model, which has a strong focus on community, and recognises that the majority of young people grow-out of participating in crime.
Vulnerable children caught up in the criminal justice system can suffer long-lasting consequences, even from a short period behind bars. from

Locking up kids damages their mental health and sets them up for more disadvantage. Is this what we want?

Children are still being held in police cells and juvenile detention for low-range offences, under alarming conditions. Here’s how their mental health and future prospects suffer.
We don’t have much information on how spending time in an adult prison affects a child’s later development. From

Babies and toddlers are living with their mums in prison. We need to look after them better

In several Australian prisons, babies and toddlers live with their mothers who are serving time. Keeping young children with their mums is a good thing, but they need to be better supported.
Younger prisoners were found to commit minor offences more often than older prisoners. Human Rights Watch

The inside story on crime within prison

Some prisoners love and care for each other, but others physically, verbally and emotionally abuse each other. These offences can threaten safety and the good order of the prison.
An image from the International Space Station captures plumes of smoke from California wildfires on August 4, 2018. NASA

Stories that made The Conversation unique in 2018

From the curious to the serious – a bird’s eye view of the unique ways in which The Conversation covers the world.

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