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Artikel-artikel mengenai STEM jobs

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Forty-seven states let computer science count in place of math or science classes required for high school graduation. Monkey Business Images/

Computer science now counts as math credit in most states – is this a good idea?

Most states have changed their rules in recent years to let computer science count as a required high school math or science class. A physics professor explains how that trend could set students back.
More must be done to draw women into STEM careers. Burlingham/Shutterstock

Want to be a woman in science? Here’s advice from those who’ve gone before

Women are drastically under-represented in the science, technology, engineering and maths fields.
Can lab coats lead kids to feel more like a scientist? Africa Studio/

Lab coats help students see themselves as future scientists

In order to get more young people to see themselves as future scientists, researchers argue that it helps to outfit the students with a simple article of clothing: a lab coat.
Women are less likely to be published in scientific journals. Shutterstock

Women scientists lag in academic publishing, and it matters

Women can often draw attention to dimensions of thinking that their male perspective may miss. But this will only work if they are in positions that allow them to lead and drive the research agenda.

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