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Artikel-artikel mengenai Transgender

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‘No labels: Portrait of a Child’ by Sharon McCutcheon. U.S. President Trump has considered launching an attack on transgender rights. We must fight against this discrimination but it is time to let go of the idea of a genderless world. Sharon McCutcheon / Unsplash

Fight for trans rights but let go of the ‘no gender’ utopia

Now that the U.S. government is threatening to define sex as either male or female, we need to fight more than ever for trans rights. But let’s give up the utopian ideal of a label-free future.
Innovative queer pop-ups challenge arguments about the death and demise of queer spaces in the city. Here an image from 2069 Sci-fi Kiki Vogue Ball of the Future presented in collaboration with Ricecake, Vancouver. John Bello/Facebook

Queer pop-ups take us beyond the gaybourhood

Rapacious gentrification in Vancouver is part of the story and struggle for queer residents but queer pop-ups offer some respite.
The term ‘cisgender’ entered the Oxford English Dictionary in 2015.

Explainer: what does it mean to be ‘cisgender’?

The prefix ‘cis’, meaning ‘on this side of’ is commonly used in chemistry and geography. More recently, it has become a way of referring to a person’s gender identity.
Hindu texts from thousands of years ago demonstrate acceptance of a ‘third gender.’ Today, transgender Indians, or hijras, remain visible members of society. AP Photo/Bikas Das

India’s sodomy ban, now ruled illegal, was a British colonial legacy

Before colonialism, India embraced homosexuality and gender fluidity. The Supreme Court’s repeal of a 157-year-old gay sex ban partially reclaims that history, but LGBTQ Indians still face hurdles.
Self-knowledge rarely comes packaged in a single coherent narrative. Yet this is the expectation we have of the children in our lives. Billion Photos

For the parents of gender-nonconforming kids, a new approach to care

The signs might be there. But parents and clinicians will still wonder if there’s some foolproof way to determine whether their children are actually trans. There isn’t one – and that’s okay.
New procedures are enabling men and women to preserve their fertility until they are ready or able to have children. By kristiillustra/

40 years after the birth of IVF, researchers push boundaries to preserve fertility in women, men and children

For women and men not ready to have children, there are new ways to preserve fertility. And experimental techniques offer hope for sick children whose treatments jeopardize future childbearing.
Not all transgender people will seek health care, but the ones who do need to feel supported. from

Transgender kids get their own health-care guidelines

New guidelines outline language practitioners should use when caring for transgender kids.
Should an algorithm try to guess what gender people are by how they look? all_is_magic/

Gender is personal – not computational

It can be unpleasant to be mistaken for someone of a different gender. When an algorithm does it secretly, it’s even more concerning – especially for transgender and gender-nonconforming people.
The controversial opinions of University of Toronto professor Jordan Peterson have garnered interest around the world and have led to wide media exposure, including this interview with Britain’s Channel 4 News. Channel 4/YouTube

Is Jordan Peterson the philosopher of the fake news era?

Jordan Peterson is now a right-wing darling for his views on everything from transgender people, the #MeToo movement and political correctness on campus. But he’s not saying anything new.

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