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Artikel-artikel mengenai transport infrastructure

Menampilkan 21 - 25 dari 25 artikel

The Morrison government’s packaging of a bundle of roads spending as “urban congestion” measures is an acknowledgement that transport planning has been inadequate. Dean Lewins/AAP

Congestion-busting infrastructure plays catch-up on long-neglected needs

The focus on roads reflects the fact that this infrastructure program lags well behind the growth of our biggest cities, resulting in less-than-ideal transport patterns.
Commuters at Epping train station board replacement buses during work on the line for the Sydney Metro, the biggest of all the promised projects. Mick Tsikas/AAP

How the NSW election promises on transport add up

The major parties are promising projects costing tens of billions of dollars, with a surprisingly large overlap between them. Yet only two have been endorsed by infrastructure authorities.
In rankings of Sydney railway stations with the most passengers and fastest growth, Bankstown line stations are way down the list. Dan Himbrechts/AAP

Which lines are priorities for Sydney Metro conversion? Hint: it’s not Bankstown

Every major transport study since the 1970s has identified Sydney’s western rail corridor as the priority for an upgrade. The latest patronage figures confirm that’s where the need is greatest.

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