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Artikel-artikel mengenai Turner Prize

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Duncan Campbell, It for Others 2013. Courtesy of Duncan Campbell and Rodeo Gallery.

Turner Prize has become middle aged – but that’s no bad thing

Duncan Campbell has won the 2014 Turner Prize. This is a well-deserved accolade for an extraordinary work (although I preferred Tris Vonna-Mitchell for many reasons, maybe a yearning for that clunking…
Ciara Phillips, Things Shared, 2014. Tate Photography

Turner Prize show fails to live up to potential of shortlist

Earlier this year, Turner Prize nominee Duncan Campbell said that in making films he attempts to find what the writer Samuel Beckett termed “a form that accommodates the mess”. It is exactly this search…
Ciara Phillips, Workshop (2010–ongoing), 2013, The Showroom, London. Courtesy the artist and The Showroom, London. © Ciara Phillips.

The 2014 Turner Prize shortlist is all about the viewer

In 1973, Marcel Duchamp said: “Art is not about itself, but the attention we bring to it.” This is something that this year’s Turner Prize shortlist brings to the fore. The shortlisted artists all have…

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