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Artikel-artikel mengenai Unpaid work

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‘Care is in everything we do and everything we are’: the work of Indigenous women needs to be valued

To First Nations women, ‘care’ is more broad and all-encompassing than traditional definitions. We need a new approach to capturing, and appreciating, their work, paid and unpaid.
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Wanting to ‘move on’ is natural – but women’s pandemic experiences can’t be lost to ‘lockdown amnesia’

COVID was a ‘gendered pandemic’, with women carrying very different burdens to men. A three-year New Zealand research project aimed to overcome the urge to forget, and provide lessons for the future.
Striking CEGEP students hold a demonstration to protest against unpaid internships in Montreal on Nov. 21, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Ryan Remiorz

To pay or not to pay: That’s the internship question

Legal or not, unpaid internships are likely to continue as long as people face barriers breaking into the workforce and some employers see the opportunity for free labour.

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