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Australian National University

ANU was established, in 1946, to advance the cause of learning and research for the nation. It is consistently ranked among the world’s best universities and many ANU graduates go on to become leaders in government, industry, research and academia.


Displaying 3161 - 3180 of 3763 articles

The most Asia-literate teachers were those who had had experienced some form of extended cultural exchange in an Asian country, the research found. AAP Image/Dan Peled

Create more Asia study opportunities for teachers: report

Asia knowledge should be included in all initial teacher education, according to a new report released today that also called for more opportunities for teachers and principals to experience Asia through…
Australia’s ecological footprint is unhealthy and unfair; it’s time to talk about it.

Putting a foot in it: an election that ignores ecology

As we ponder who will lead our next government we need to ask who will best deal with Australia’s overblown ecological footprint. It’s about seven global hectares per person, which is about the size of…
We share a birthday? Really? What are the chances? massdistraction

The birthday problem: what are the odds of sharing b-days?

How many people do you have to put into a room before you are guaranteed that at least two of them share a birthday? We all know and love the blissful feeling of winning an argument. Well, trust me, that’s…
Even if sunscreen is applied very thickly, vitamin D production is reduced but not stopped. Shutterstock

Six things you need to know about your vitamin D levels

Vitamin D has emerged as “the vitamin of the decade”, with a long and growing list of maladies supposedly caused through its absence or prevented through its bountiful supply. But is there adequate evidence…
An election rate cut often benefits an incumbent government - but economists are taking a longer-term view. AAP

Economic outlook weakens - but keep an eye on inflation

While federal election watchers will be avidly fixed on the Reserve Bank of Australia’s decision to alter the cash rate decision today, economists are more interested in global factors and signs of weakness…
The G20 is literally a Yak-fest. AAP

What on earth is the G20 and why should I care?

A sherpa, a sous sherpa and a yak walk into a troika meeting. Alas, this is not the beginning of a shaggy dog joke, it is a normal description of a Group of 20 (G20) process. Arcane and obscure terminology…
Giving overseas investors more power over our energy resources is no way to ensure security or emissions reductions. Ross Beckley

Will a new government hand control of our energy to overseas investors?

As we approach the Australian federal election, trade minister Richard Marles recently confirmed Australia will not sign the Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement if it includes an investor-state dispute…
Kevin Rudd has recruited three strategists from the US to help his election chances, continuing a trend of the ‘internationalisation’ of campaign craft. AAP/Dean Lewins

Yes we can: will imported talent get Labor over the line?

Kevin Rudd has imported three members of US president Barack Obama’s successful 2012 campaign team to advise on Labor’s September 7 re-election efforts. This announcement has already achieved one of the…
Bearers of bad news: Treasurer Chris Bowen and Finance Minister Penny Wong deliver the government’s economic statement.

Economic statement: experts respond

A slowing economy and drop in government revenue has led to an increased budget deficit, new taxes and some cuts to existing programs. Delivering the Rudd government’s long awaited economic statement…
Climate change means some mountain species are just clinging on, but can they adapt? Australian Alps/Flickr

What can history tell us about species coping with climate change?

In work we published in Science today we look at two conflicting ideas on whether species can adapt to climate change. Are our ideas about extinction too catastrophic, or do we actually need to do more…
Future energy choices can’t just be based on which technology is most emotionally appealing. Elaina Elaina/Flickr

Dick Smith flies planes, weighs energy futures

There’s something just so energetic about Dick Smith. We all know he’s the man behind the face that used to be on the Dick Smith Electronics sign; the man who sought to nationalise our yeast extract spread…
Solar panels covering just 1 per cent of Australia’s landmass could provide all our electricity needs. Flickr/Rantz

How do we get to the next million solar roofs?

There are now one million Australian homes with solar electricity. That means 2.5 million Australians now rely on solar power – more than the population of Brisbane. Australians have clearly shown their…
A satellite picture reveals permafrost melting around Liverpool Bay in Canada’s northwest territories. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Methane and the risk of runaway global warming

Research was published this week showing the financial cost of methane being released from Earth’s permafrosts. But the risks go beyond financial - Earth’s history shows that releasing these stores could…
Not everyone heeds the advice to turn their phones off during take-off – but should they? Jetstar Airways

What a turn-off: why your phone must be powered down on flights

It’s a fact of life for anyone boarding a plane: all electronic devices need to be turned off during take-off and landing. Most airlines have had this rule in place for more than a decade now, even though…
The notion that smaller pokies venues are more harmful than larger ones isn’t borne out in research. AAP

Size really does matter: big pokie venues are the most dangerous

With the NSW government rushing to approve a new casino in Sydney, the prospect of more casinos in Brisbane and the Gold Coast, and a planned expansion of Adelaide casino, a new wave of gambling proliferation…
Companies subtly changing the look and taste of their products don’t want you to notice this. Image sourced from

Would you like real food with that? Or why your bread tastes funny

So how many Tim Tams are in a pack? How big is a block of chocolate? What exactly is colour 150d or food acid 338? And what does bread have to do with how much bread these companies make? Welcome to Food…
Natural disasters are just part of the wider and more systemic threat of climate change to human health and survival. Image from

Why climate change should be a key health issue this election

Our perennial, ideologically-driven squabbling over whether and how to reduce carbon emissions is generally couched in terms of GDP, jobs, commercial competitiveness, household expenses and property safety…


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