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Australian National University

ANU was established, in 1946, to advance the cause of learning and research for the nation. It is consistently ranked among the world’s best universities and many ANU graduates go on to become leaders in government, industry, research and academia.


Displaying 1181 - 1200 of 3771 articles

Komisari PT PLN (Persero) Dudy Purwagandhi mengisi daya mobil listrik di Stasiun Pengisian Kendaraan Listrik Umum (SPKLU) di Jalan Dr Soetomo, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Sabtu (26/12/2020). PT PLN (Persero) menguji coba kendaraan listrik berbasis baterai dengan rute perjalanan jarak jauh dari Jakarta menuju Bali dengan tujuan untuk melihat infrastruktur SPKLU yang sudah disiapkan oleh PLN agar para pengguna kendaraan listrik dalam menempuh perjalanan jarak jauh bisa aman dan nyaman. ANTARA FOTO/Didik Suhartono/aww. Antara Foto

Mengapa tren kendaraan listrik adalah momentum transformasi industri otomotif Indonesia

Berkembangnya penggunaan mobil listrik bisa membantu Indonesia naik kelas dalam rantai pasok global.
A wall relief from the British Museum shows three scribes amid a military campaign of the Assyrian king Tiglath-pileser III, in Babylonia (Iraq). WikiCommons

3 reasons to study science communication beyond the West

All cultures have communicated their knowledge in diverse and marvellous ways throughout time. Failing to see the significance of this is racist and lazy.
Refik Anadol: Quantum memories 2020 (render) custom software, quantum computing, generative algorithm with artificial intelligence (AI), real time digital animation on LED screen c4 channel sound 1015.0 x 1020.0 x 250.0 cm. Commissioned by the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne. Purchased with funds donated by Loti & Victor Smorgon Fund and Barry Janes and Paul Cross, 2020. © Refik Anadol Image courtesy of Refik Anadol

Enthralling, dystopian, sublime: NGV Triennial has a huge ‘wow’ factor

With more than 100 artists from more than 30 countries, this exhibition features alternative realms drawn from a Google quantum computer, a Jeff Koons ‘selfie magnet’ and moments of Zen beauty.
Tatiana Bobkova/Shutterstock

(Economics) books to read over summer

From money creation to COVID to uncertainty to the end of rapid economic growth, Peter Martin’s summer reading list is unsettling and uplifting.
mème représentant le personnel médical à l’hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière à Paris. ISNI - Intersyndicale Nationale des Internes, Paris

Humour et Covid-19 sur les réseaux sociaux : mieux vaut rire que périr ! 

L’humour basé sur la Covid-19 est un moyen efficace de soulager l’anxiété et la peur, de renforcer notre lien social tout en communiquant sa colère vis-à-vis des politiques.


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