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Australian National University

ANU was established, in 1946, to advance the cause of learning and research for the nation. It is consistently ranked among the world’s best universities and many ANU graduates go on to become leaders in government, industry, research and academia.


Displaying 161 - 180 of 3738 articles

Installation view of Patrick Pound’s People who look dead but (probably) aren’t 2011–2014 on display in Photography: Real & Imagined at The Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia from October 13 2023 – February 4 2024. Photo: Lillie Thompson.

Photography: Real and Imagined at the NGV – a huge and dazzling exhibition that reexamines our thinking

Photography: Real and Imagined at the National Gallery of Victoria can be interpreted as an attempt to make sense of photography’s history.
Rassemblement des partisans du « oui » au référendum portant sur l’instauration d’un organe consultatif consacré aux questions relatives aux Aborigènes, le 17 septembre 2023 à Melbourne. Le vote aura lieu le 14 octobre, et la campagne est très serrée. William West/AFP

Australie : un référendum historique pour donner aux Aborigènes une voix au Parlement

Longtemps méprisés et opprimés sur leurs terres ancestrales, les Aborigènes vont peut-être obtenir au Parlement australien une instance expressément consacrée à l’amélioration de leur sort.
Quarteirão inteiramente destruído em Gaza após sucessivos bombardeios: conflito sem precedentes entre Hamas e Israel podem estar refletindo alterações no jogo de interesses geopolíticos em todo o Oriente Médio. AP Photo/Fatima Shbair

Por que o Hamas atacou e por que agora? O que ele espera ganhar?

Os violentos ataques do Hamas, seguidos por fortísssima retaliação de Israel à Faixa de Gaza, podem estar refletindo alterações no jogo de interesses geopolíticos em todo o Oriente Médio.


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