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As Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO is solving the greatest challenges through innovative science and technology.

CSIRO - unlocking a better future for everyone.


Displaying 101 - 120 of 745 articles

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New IPCC report shows Australia is at real risk from climate change, with impacts worsening, future risks high, and wide-ranging adaptation needed

We are no longer in typical conditions. Climate change is already damaging human and natural systems we hold dear in Australia.

Why do we love the great outdoors? New research shows part of the answer is in our genes

Our feelings about nature depend on lots of factors, but a new study shows our genes are one of the most important.
An artist’s impression of the Double Pulsar system in which the two pulsars orbit each other every 2.5 hours and send out high-energy beams that sweep across the sky. Image credit: John Rowe Animations/CSIRO

We counted 20 billion ticks of an extreme galactic clock to give Einstein’s theory of gravity its toughest test yet

Astronomers watched a pair of pulsars for 16 years to test the theory of general relativity, which has stood unchallenged for over a century.
L’année 2021 devrait afficher 39 milliards de tonnes d’émissions de CO₂. Shutterstock

Combien de tonnes d’émissions de CO₂ pouvons-nous encore nous permettre ?

Après une forte baisse des émissions en 2020 due à la pandémie de Covid-19, 2021 témoigne d’une inquiétante reprise, souligne la nouvelle étude du Global Carbon Projet.
TR STOCK / Shutterstock

Las emisiones globales vuelven a los niveles prepandémicos después de la caída de 2020

Preocupa especialmente la tendencia al alza a largo plazo de las emisiones de CO₂ procedentes de la quema de combustibles fósiles, que están lejos de llegar a cero en 2050.


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