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Curtin University

Curtin University is Western Australia’s largest university, with more than 56,000 students. Of these, about 26 per cent are international students, with half of these studying at the University’s offshore campuses. The University’s main campus is in Perth. Curtin also has a major regional campus in Kalgoorlie, and a campus in Midland, in addition to four global campuses in Malaysia, Singapore, Dubai and Mauritius.

Curtin is ranked in the top one per cent of universities worldwide, with the University placed 9th in Australia according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) 2020.

The University has built a reputation around innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit, being at the forefront of many high-profile research projects in astronomy, biosciences, economics, mining and information technology. It is also recognised globally for its strong connections with industry, and for its commitment to preparing students for the jobs of the future.


Displaying 621 - 640 of 1228 articles

Tourism businesses should start by communicating precisely what they are going to do about the situation to the customer - quickly and clearly, to reduce uncertainty and avoid confusion. Gede Surya/AAP

Bali’s Mt Agung eruption shows how businesses should and shouldn’t react to uncontrollable events

Businesses worth their weight in salt should at least in principle have the capacity to remedy situations that go wrong, as part of their modus operandi.
While people in WA might be spending less, there remains segments of the population that are vulnerable to intense cost of living pressures. shutterstock

Sydney the most expensive capital in Australia, Perth comes in fifth: new report

Households in NSW spend the most and WA households the least in Australia, but there are segments of WA who are feeling the bite more acutely in cost of living.
A recent study found people link different alcohol types to different emotional states. Photo by Mattias Diesel on Unsplash

Do different drinks make you different drunk?

Some people believe different drinks make them feel differently. But the effect alcohol has on your mood depends on factors like where you are drinking it and how you’re feeling at the time.
Connections between people and between people and places help create vibrant neighbourhoods with a sense of human identity and belonging. Picture by Tommy Wong

A city that forgets about human connections has lost its way

The secret of creating attractive, liveable places sounds deceptively simple: connect people to places, people to transport and people to people.
Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (centre) is at the centre of the changes in the Saudi royal family’s approach to governing. Stringer/Reuters

Princes, power and purges: the Saudi royal family consolidates its rule

The latest arrests of princes, ministers and military officials in Saudi Arabia might be in the name of anti-corruption but it also serves to bolster the Saudi royal family’s power.
A detection station for seismic activity at Bilibion, a remote corner of Russia. The Official CTBTO Photostream (Copyright CTBTO Preparatory Commission)

I’ve always wondered: do nuclear tests affect tectonic plates and cause earthquakes or volcanic eruptions?

Human-induced earthquakes have been reported from every continent except Antarctica. We asked a geologist to investigate whether North Korea’s nuclear tests could trigger geological changes.
Students credit tutoring sessions with enhancing their ability to negotiate academia and successfully complete degrees. Centre for Aboriginal Studies

Tutors are key to reducing Indigenous student drop out rates

There has been an increase in Australian Indigenous students enrolling in university in the last 10 years, and we need to provide them with tutors to keep them there.
Contrary to popular belief, sex workers were more likely than not to report that their work enhanced their wellbeing. Author supplied

New report shows compelling reasons to decriminalise sex work

The study shows the negative effects of sex work’s criminalisation, including a reluctance of workers to go to police and clients using it as an excuse to abuse workers.
Donald Trump’s justification for decertifying the Iran nuclear deal stems from his view that Iran is violating the deal’s spirit. Reuters/Kevin Lamarque

Why Trump’s decertification of the Iran nuclear deal may prove a costly mistake

Aside from vague threats of violence and suggestions he could ‘renegotiate’ the Iran nuclear agreement, Donald Trump has provided little in the way of coherent or viable policy options.
Mass evacuations in response to natural disasters like Hurricane Maria are a logistical challenge, but also face psychological barriers to residents being willing and able to leave. EPA

Psychology holds key to getting people out before disaster strikes

Promoting individual resilience will contribute to reductions in disaster threats for at-risk communities globally.


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