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Edith Cowan University

ECU provides the ideal learning environment for people who want to reach their potential. Located in Western Australia, our industry-relevant teaching and research, supportive study environment and award-winning facilities enable ECU students to do more than just survive in this world – they thrive in it. Our world-class research strives to make a difference to the community in Western Australia and beyond. ECU focuses on working with our communities, business and government organisations to solve real-world problems.


Displaying 361 - 380 of 604 articles

Maria Exposto baru-baru ini dibebaskan setelah menerima vonis hukuman mati di Malaysia karena secara tidak sadar menjadi penyelundup narkoba karena hubungan online yang palsu. EPA/Kejuma Esbi

Bagaimana para penipu asmara membuat Anda jatuh cinta dan cara menghindarinya

Para penipu asmara cerdik, terorganisir dan mempunyai Teknik-teknik mumpuni yang membuat mereka sangat berhasil. Tapi selalu ada saja jalan untuk Anda menghindari ditipu oleh sebuah cinta palsu.
Firefighters in Kangaroo Island, South Australia. First responders’ experiences on the front line make them susceptible to post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental health problems. David Mariuz/AAP

To improve firefighters’ mental health, we can’t wait for them to reach out – we need to ‘reach in’

Emergency service workers already have poorer mental health than the rest of us. In the wake of this bushfire crisis, we need to make the well-being of our first responders a top priority.
Monaco and Japan have some of the highest life expectancies in the world. But calculating an individual’s life expectancy will require taking data analysis several steps further. SHUTTERSTOCK

Don’t die wondering: apps may soon be able to predict your life expectancy, but do you want to know?

Predicting life expectancy remains in the realm of science fiction, but it may soon be possible. Are we prepared for such information? And who else would benefit from this knowledge?
Facebook’s initiative places the company in a complicated situation, as increased user privacy, while positive, could come with potential impunity for offenders. SHUTTERSTOCK

Facebook’s push for end-to-end encryption is good news for user privacy, as well as terrorists and paedophiles

Facebook is planning to put end-to-end encryption on all its messaging services soon. But governments aren’t happy about it, as it could make it harder to catch criminals.
Maria Exposto recently walked free after facing a death sentence in Malaysia for unwittingly becoming a drug mule from a fraudulent online relationship. EPA/Kejuma Esbi

A handsome soldier with a ‘medical bill’: how romance scammers make you fall in love with them

Romance scammers are clever, well organised and have a number of tried techniques which make them highly successful. But there are ways you can avoid being scammed by a one-sided romance.
In ancient China, India and the Middle East, the art of eyebrow threading was popular. It is now enjoying a resurgence.

Friday essay: shaved, shaped and slit - eyebrows through the ages

Moulding eyebrows to make a statement is nothing new. A journey through history, across Asia, Europe, the Middle East and the United States, shows some of the highs and lows of brow fashion.
Schoolies is a rite of passage for many Australian teenagers as they finish their exams and leave school. But are you prepared? from

Is your teen off to schoolies? Here’s what to say instead of freaking out

Schoolies and other leavers’ celebrations are a chance for teenagers to exert their independence and experiment with their identity as a young adult. And yes, you can help without losing your cool.
Ransomware attacks are becoming increasingly complex, as hackers find creative ways to beat ordinary systems of defence. christiaancolen/flickr

Hackers are now targeting councils and governments, threatening to leak citizen data

A recent leakware attack targeting Johannesburg was the second of its kind ever recorded. Hackers demanded A$52,663 worth of bitcoins, in return for not releasing senstivie civilian information.
A seagrass meadow. For the first time, researchers have counted the greenhouse gases stored by and emitted from such ecosystems. NOAA/Heather Dine

Australia’s hidden opportunity to cut carbon emissions, and make money in the process

In a world-first, scientists have counted the greenhouse gas absorbed and emitted by Australia’s mangroves, seagrass and other ocean ecosystems.
Jocelyn Moorhouse’s The Dressmaker, is the fifth highest grossing Australian film this decade – more women should be given the support to make big feature films. Broad Green Pictures

Screen Australia celebrates its work in gender equality but things are far from equal

In August, Screen Australia announced they had surpassed targets in their Gender Matters initative. But their September 2019 production funding round has no women directors or writers.
Greta Thunberg’s fiery oration has prompted outrage, but even if you agree with her you might still be ignoring her message. EPA/Justin Lane

There are three types of climate change denier, and most of us are at least one

It’s easy to spot outright rejection of the facts on climate change. But it’s far harder to see our own biases and excuses that lead us to delay or deny the need for real action.


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