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Harvard University

Harvard is at the frontier of academic and intellectual discovery. Those who venture here—to learn, research, teach, work, and grow—join nearly four centuries of students and scholars in the pursuit of truth, knowledge, and a better world.

As a research university and nonprofit institution, Harvard is focused on creating educational opportunities for people from many lived experiences.

Harvard has 12 degree-granting Schools and the Harvard Radcliffe Institute. We also offer countless of non-degree opportunities for professional and lifelong learners, including executive education, continuing education, and online courses.


Displaying 141 - 160 of 540 articles

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African countries must muscle up their support and fill massive R&D gap

Scientific knowledge is a critical driver for human health and wellbeing, economic development and environmental sustainability.
Moms and dads have better physical and mental health when they dine with their children – despite all the work of a family meal. Thomas Barwick/DigitalVision via Getty Images

Family meals are good for the grown-ups, too, not just the kids

All that planning, shopping, prepping, serving and cleaning can pay off with better physical and mental health for all members of the family.
Trabajadores empaquetando en la empresa más grande de la India de producción de jeringuillas. El apoyo del Gobierno ha sido clave para el desarrollo de esta capacidad. Sajjad Hussain / AFP via Getty Images

Cómo facilitar la producción local de vacunas contra la covid-19 en África

Los Gobiernos africanos, las empresas y los organismos donantes deben aunar esfuerzos para apoyar la fabricación local de vacunas y otros equipos sanitarios en el continente.
Workers pack syringes at India’s biggest syringe manufacturer. Government support has been key to developing this capacity. Photo by Sajjad Hussain/AFP via Getty Images

South African case study sheds light on how vaccine manufacturing can be developed

African governments, firms and donor agencies should align their efforts to support the local manufacture of vaccines and other health equipment in African countries.
A man fills out an online application during a job fair hosted by the city of Chicago in July 2012. The fair offered computer access to people who do not have internet access. Scott Olson/Getty Images

No internet, no vaccine: How lack of internet access has limited vaccine availability for racial and ethnic minorities

Early numbers show that people from racial and ethnic minorities have lower vaccination rates. Lack of internet access could be a reason.
Partidarios de Trump durante la Marcha del Millón MAGA en Washington el 14 de noviembre de 2020. Caroline Brehman/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

El populismo estalla cuando las personas se sienten desconectadas y no respetadas

Donald Trump ha sido un presidente populista. Comprender las raíces del populismo en los EE.UU. y en otros lugares es esencial para hacer frente a su ascenso y su amenaza a la democracia.
Des partisans du président Donald Trump escaladent le mur ouest du Capitole américain, le 6 janvier, à Washington. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

Capitole : voici comment le tissu social américain est en train de se désagréger

Donald Trump a été un président populiste. Comprendre les racines du populisme aux États-Unis et ailleurs est essentiel pour faire face à sa montée et à la menace qui pèse sur la démocratie.
Trump supporters face off against counterprotesters at the Million MAGA March in Washington on Nov. 14, 2020. Caroline Brehman/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

Populism erupts when people feel disconnected and disrespected

Donald Trump has been a populist president. Understanding populism’s roots in the US and elsewhere is essential for addressing its rise and threat to democracy.


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