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Murdoch University

Murdoch University was established in 1973 and has an outstanding reputation for providing students with a quality education and recognised academic standing within an engaging and caring environment. Murdoch University remains one of the most inclusive universities in the country


Displaying 381 - 400 of 444 articles

Some babies more at risk from genetic defects from first cousin marriages. Flickr/Tella Chhe

First cousin marriage doubles risk of birth defects in children

Having a baby with a first cousin more than doubles the risk of congenital problems such as heart and lung defects, cleft palettes and extra fingers, according to the largest study of its kind in the UK…
Soil represents one of the world’s largest carbon stocks. J.Kelley/

Deep soils store up to five times more carbon than first thought: study

Deep soils store up to five times more carbon than is commonly reported, a new study by Murdoch University and Cranfield University in the UK has found. Soil locks in greenhouse gases by storing carbon…
Is sport the last remaining institution of faith in Australian society? Sascha Wenninger

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi: why do we love sport so much?

Australians have a remarkable affection for their sport, an affection which has endured for well over 150 years. They love the sports they play but, even more so, they love the sports they watch – both…
Australians who study in Asia will be best placed to tackle the challenges of the Asian Century.

An Asian Century education: why students need equal access to overseas study

The Asian Century has arrived and Australians with Asian study experience will be best placed to take advantage of it. But if we are to educate and prepare our graduates for the Asian Century and all the…
Participants who did shorter bursts more regularly felt up to 32% fuller between 1pm and 3pm. Image from

Short bursts of exercise key to feeling full

Short bouts of intermittent exercise throughout the day may be better than one vigorous workout in convincing your brain that you are full, according to a new study published in the journal Obesity. The…
Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta is currently facing crimes against humanity charges at the International Criminal Court. EPA/Daniel Irungu

Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta and politicising the International Criminal Court

Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto are currently facing crimes against humanity charges at the Hague-based International Criminal Court (ICC). The charges result from the post-election…
Sharing a bed with your baby is not inherently dangerous if the known risk factors for SIDS are eliminated. Image from

Safety first: reducing the risks of sleeping with your baby

With so much contradictory information about whether it’s safe for mothers to share a bed with their baby, it’s easy to see why parents are confused. The release yesterday of a paper in BMJ Open added…
Allowing patents that capture categories of unique genomic DNA damages the principle of open access. Nestlé/Flickr

Ensure open access to genetic data to protect innovation

Public investment in the Human Genome Project was expected to deliver a global public good that would help generate scientific breakthroughs. But open access to our genetic blueprint is a precondition…
Over 1000 professors have signed a letter calling on the Government to reverse plans to cut university funding to pay for school reforms. AAP

Over 1000 professors call on Gillard to reverse planned uni cuts

Over a thousand Australian professors have signed an open letter asking the federal government to abandon plans for $2.3 billion worth of cuts to the university sector. The cuts, announced this month as…
Brendan Fevola was followed by controversy throughout his AFL career: would a ‘person formation’ focus in team sport culture have helped him? AAP/Dave Hunt

‘Culture’ in team sport: corporate speak or vital for success?

The inventive English journalist Dave Hill (who is as comfortable writing about politics and culture as he is about sport) published a book, Out of His Skin, in 1989 dealing with - among other things…
A shark in the hand: this Northern River Shark has been tagged in the attempt to collect more information on the species. Jeff Whitty

Australian endangered species: Northern River Shark

The Northern River Shark (Glyphis garricki) is one of the rarest species of shark in the world. It is known only from a small number of locations in Western Australia, the Northern Territory and Papua…
Australian policymakers need to acquaint themselves with the changing nature of regional governance in Asia.

The changing face of Asian regional governance

The growing competition between Japan and China over regional primacy is changing the face of Asian regional governance — but not necessarily in predictable ways. While observers have focused on Asia’s…
Resource issues dominate Japanese thinking on the Australia-Japan bilateral relationship. AAP

Resource security and the Australia-Japan economic relationship

The Australia-Japan economic relationship is broad, deep, and has an extensive history. However, issues to do with natural resources – minerals, energy and food – loom large in the politics of the contemporary…
Julia Gillard’s appearance is regularly commented on: is it just another way to talk about her gender? AAP/Alan Porritt

Gender bias: why appearance focus fuels sexism in media

Much has been written in the past few days about the legacy of the late British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, including many mentions of her hair. It is difficult to imagine similar attention being…
If you want to improve science education, standardised science literacy tests is not the way to go. Test image from

NAPLAN science tests unlikely to improve science education

The federal Labor government’s proposal to expand the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) franchise and include science literacy is not a surprising move. Once national testing…
In the debate on the use of performance enhancing drugs in sport, what should we consider an unfair advantage?

Drugs in sport: what constitutes ‘unfair advantage’?

At the heart of growing concern about performance enhancing drugs in Australian sport is the very basic matter of sport as an even contest. As Roy and H.G. used to put it, no one is particularly interested…
Colin Barnett and his wife Lyn celebrate the Liberal party’s crushing win the Western Australian state election. AAP/Tony McDonough

WA election: Barnett and the Liberals do it easy

Nobody thought that Labor would form government in Western Australia after the 2013 election. And with the current seat count at 30 for Colin Barnett’s Liberals, 18 for Labor and 6 for the Nationals, it…
When it comes to the polls, FIFO workers are most likely to vote for the party which will support their industry. Wesfarmers

Western Australia election: FIFO vote

In Western Australia business is booming for the mining and resources sector. The number of fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) workers employed in the state has increased over the last five years to more than 35,000…
Private firms will now be able to hold patents on isolated gene mutations after a ruling in the Federal Court today. AAP/Penny Clay

Historic ruling allows private firms to patent human genetic material

Private firms are allowed to hold a patent over cancer-causing gene mutations, according to an historic ruling in the Federal Court today that has wide-ranging implications for researchers and cancer patients…


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