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Penn State is a multi-campus public research university that educates students from Pennsylvania, the nation and the world. It improves the well-being and health of individuals and communities through integrated programs of teaching, research, and service.


Displaying 241 - 260 of 706 articles

Suddenly unable to smell your morning coffee? You likely have COVID-19. Kseniya Ovchinnikova/Moment via Getty Images

Daily DIY sniff checks could catch many cases of COVID-19

COVID-19 patients often lose their sense of smell and taste. This is rare for a viral infection. At-home smell tests could be used as a screening tool and help slow the spread of the coronavirus.
Hurricanes Sally and Paulette, Tropical Depression Rene, and Tropical Storms Teddy and Vicky were all active on Sept. 14, 2020. NOAA

The 2020 Atlantic hurricane season was a record-breaker, and it’s raising more concerns about climate change

There were so many tropical storms in 2020, forecasters exhausted the list of names and started using Greek letters. And that’s only one reason 2020 was extreme.
Le président français Emmanuel Macron rencontre son homologue turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan au siège des Nations unies lors de l'Assemblée générale annuelle des Nations unies à New York le 25 septembre 2018. Ludovic Marin/AFP

Tensions entre la Turquie et la France, un effet miroir ?

L’ironie des tensions qui opposent la France et la Turquie, et leurs présidents respectifs, Emmanuel Macron et Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, réside dans les nombreuses similarités qui les caractérisent.
Le Half Dome en Californie est composé de granit, une roche avec une densité relativement faible. Shutterstock

Des comparaisons rocheuses entre le Canada et l’Australie offrent des indices sur l’origine de la vie

La formation des premiers continents a fait l’objet de débats. L’analyse des zircons au Canada et en Australie suggère que ces processus historiques sont similaires aux mouvements tectoniques actuels.
A COVID-19 test in Utah. The country’s pandemic response has been politicized, making comprehensive changes to public health more difficult. AP Photo/Rick Bowmer

Poor US pandemic response will reverberate in health care politics for years, health scholars warn

Health policy and politics scholars expect political fallout from the federal response to the pandemic will play out for years, with trust in government taking a big hit.
Former House Speaker John Boehner holds a press conference June 25, 2012, after the Supreme Court handed down a 5-4 decision upholding the Affordable Care Act. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Why Democrats and health policy experts believe the Barrett confirmation rush is about getting rid of the Affordable Care Act: 3 essential reads

Democrats are outraged at what they say is the hypocrisy of allowing a president to appoint a new Supreme Court justice near the end of his term. One of their biggest practical concerns is the ACA.
El Príncipe Carlos, acompañado por Camila de Cornualles, con el Presidente francés Emmanuel Macron, en Londres, 18 de junio, 2020. Photo by Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

‘Namaste’ es el saludo perfecto para la pandemia

Originalmente una palabra sánscrita, namaste significa “me inclino ante ti.” Es un reconocimiento de nuestra humanidad compartida, y se hace sin tocar – exactamente lo que necesitamos ahora.
The Supreme Court will face another challenge to the Affordable Care Act that is more likely to succeed with the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. AP Photo/Susan Walsh

If the Supreme Court strikes down the Affordable Care Act, Trump’s health care order is not enough to replace it

The Supreme Court will again consider the fate of the Affordable Care Act next month. But Trump’s record and a reading of his health executive order make it unlikely that he can offer a meaningful alternative to the ACA.
Prince Charles, accompanied by Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, and French president Emmanuel Macron greet one another with a ‘namaste’ in London on June 18. Photo by Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

Why ‘namaste’ has become the perfect pandemic greeting

An ancient Indian greeting is replacing the handshake. An expert explains its roots and why it affirms our inter-connectedness with one another.


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