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Texas A&M University

Texas A&M is the state’s oldest public university and largest university, and one of the largest in the nation: a research-intensive, land-grant institution with more than 69,300 students, including nearly 15,000 in graduate or professional school. Students choose from more than 130 undergraduate and 272 graduate degree programs in 16 colleges and schools, and participate in more than 1,100 student-run organizations and activities (including the Big Event, the largest one-day, student-run service project in the United States).

Texas A&M ranks in the top 20 nationally in research expenditures, with more than $922 million in FY2018 (National Science Foundation), and is a member of the Association of American Universities. Texas A&M ranks at or near the top among universities nationally in the areas of academic excellence, value, and affordability; on-time student graduation rates (both overall and for minorities); student engagement and happiness; and students who graduate with less college-related debt and become the nation’s highest-earning graduates. Texas A&M also has more graduates serving as CEOs of Fortune 500 companies than any other university.


Displaying 161 - 180 of 371 articles

Much of India experiences both extreme heat and extreme air pollution, as seen in this photo of the Akshardham Hindu temple. Days with both are going to increase. Sajjad Hussain/AFP via Getty Images

Days with both extreme heat and extreme air pollution are becoming more common – which can’t be a good thing for global health

In South Asia, days with both extreme heat and extreme pollution are expected to increase 175% by 2050. Separately, the health effects are bad; together they will likely be worse.
President-elect Trump at a post-election rally in Mobile, Alabama, Dec. 17, 2016. Mark Wallheiser/Getty

A field guide to Trump’s dangerous rhetoric

Donald Trump uses language like a dangerous demagogue. The author of a book on Trump’s rhetorical skill gives a guide to the six most important rhetorical strategies Trump uses.
The demand for services nonprofits offer is surging. Paul Bersebach/MediaNews Group/Orange County Register via Getty Images

A $300 charitable deduction, explained

This measure, included in a pandemic relief package, is supposed to encourage Americans to give more to nonprofits.
Are they spending as much on the needs of others as the rest of us? cdwheatley/Getty Images

Rich folks aren’t that stingy after all

Reliable data on charitable giving is hard to come by. But based on the information available, very rich people are at least as generous as everyone else.
Eric Wang of Burmese Restaurant Thamee in Washington, D.C., was among the millions of small business owners hoping to get SBA aid. Eric Baradat/AFP via Getty Images

Coronavirus: Why is it so hard to aid small businesses hurt by a disaster?

About one in four businesses say they’re two months away from permanent closure, yet many of the neediest businesses are struggling to get some of the aid intended for them.
A nurse (left) operates a robot used to interact remotely with coronavirus patients while a physician looks on. MIGUEL MEDINA/AFP via Getty Images

Robots are playing many roles in the coronavirus crisis – and offering lessons for future disasters

Robots are helping health care workers and public safety officials more safely and quickly treat coronavirus patients and contain the pandemic. They have something in common: They’re tried and tested.
Social distancing has changed the way people worship. A pastor at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Los Angeles holds a service through his iPhone. AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes

How to build community while worshipping online

Churches have moved online. But to be able to properly connect with people, they need to find a way to build community, says a scholar who studies digital religion.
Seorang perempuan hamil berjalan melewati mural jalanan di Hong Kong pada 23 Maret 2020. Dengan pandemi coronavirus yang bergerak cepat, perempuan hamil menghadapi perubahan sistem perawatan kesehatan. Anthony Wallace/AFP via Getty Images

Hamil pada masa coronavirus - risiko yang berubah dan apa yang perlu Anda ketahui

Punya anak merupakan peristiwa penting yang harus dirayakan, termasuk selama pandemi. Cuci tangan, jaga jarak sosial, dan tetap dekat dengan penyedia layanan kesehatan Anda selama kehamilan.
People have resorted to using scarves and bandanas as face masks to protect against spreading coronavirus. While cloth masks aren’t as effective as surgical masks, research suggests they can limit the spread of droplets. Jens Schleuter/Getty Images

Why wear face masks in public? Here’s what the research shows

U.S. health officials flipped their advice and now recommend everyone wear cloth masks in public to reduce the spread of coronavirus to others. Some cities have fines for going without masks.
A pregnant woman walks past a street mural in Hong Kong on March 23, 2020. With the coronavirus pandemic moving quickly, pregnant women are facing a changing health care system. Anthony Wallace/AFP via Getty Images

Pregnant in a time of coronavirus – the changing risks and what you need to know

As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads, pregnant women are facing new health risks and a health care system that’s changing around them by the day.
Voyager est risqué pendant l'épidémie de coronavirus. Les aéroports, les arrêts de bus et les stations-service sont particulièrement dangereux. AP Photo/Joeal Calupitan

Coronavirus : du danger de voyager en pleine épidémie

À travers le monde, des millions de personnes cherchent à regagner leur pays, ou à fuir dans des zones jugées moins risquées. Mais tous doivent évaluer les risques éthiques liés au voyage.
Traveling is risky during the coronavirus outbreak. Places like airports, bus stops, and gas stations especially so. AP Photo/Joeal Calupitan

Fleeing from the coronavirus is dangerous for you, the people you encounter along the way and wherever you end up

Universities and colleges around the world are closing. People are fleeing from cities. Some people are being forced to move but others must weigh the risks and ethical concerns of travel.
A police officer in Beijing adjusts his face mask, which millions in China are using in hopes of preventing coronavirus infection, on Feb. 9, 2020. The virus is causing major disruptions. AP Photo/Andy Wong

The silent threat of the coronavirus: America’s dependence on Chinese pharmaceuticals

While US residents may feel safe from the effects of the coronavirus, the aftershocks could be damaging in unexpected ways. The disruption to China’s supply chain could cause drug shortages.


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