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The University of Western Australia

The University of Western Australia (UWA) is a leading Australian research university and has an international reputation for excellence, innovation and enterprise. UWA is committed to the achievement of the highest quality research and scholarship at international standards of excellence.


Displaying 921 - 940 of 2146 articles

Reuters/Jon Nazca

Waiting for the revolution

We live in remarkable times. It has become almost obligatory to recite the seemingly unprecedented range of problems that confront us. It has become equally commonplace to bemoan the inability of policymakers…
Most serious foreign policy analysts hope Hillary Clinton wins the US presidential race. Reuters

Trump or Clinton: who will be the best for our region?

Despite growing concerns about possible declining American power and influence, the US still dominates the region upon which Australia has increasingly come to depend.
Breast density appears white or bright on mammograms – so do breast cancers. Tomas K/Shutterstock

Women should be told about their breast density when they have a mammogram

Women with dense breasts are more likely to develop breast cancer. Density also makes it harder for doctors to detect breast cancer on a mammogram.
Richard Ffarington painted idealised versions of Aboriginal people, as in King George Sound, 1840s. State Art Collection, Art Gallery of Western Australia

Unknown Land: mapping and imagining Western Australia

The first Europeans to arrive in Western Australia were baffled by the strange land they saw. A new exhibition explores the Arcadia artists tried to transpose over native plants and people.
Disadvantaged students are more likely to miss school. Dan Peled/AAP

Suspending welfare payments unlikely to boost school attendance

Any new approach to linking welfare payments to attendance must address the flaws of previous trials. It will require the cooperation of schools and the availability of accurate, real-time data.
The continued preference for detached housing in new suburbs is driving Perth’s urban sprawl and means two-thirds of dwellings built over the next 15 years need to be on infill sites to meet the state’s target. perthhdproductions/flickr

To cut urban sprawl, we need quality infill housing displays to win over the public

Government and industry need to demonstrate the benefits of well-designed higher-density housing. Rich residential display projects may be the ideal catalyst for creating smarter cities.
Summer in the you beaut country, John Olsen, 1962. Courtesy National Gallery Victoria, © John Olsen

Here’s looking at: John Olsen, Summer in the You Beaut Country, 1962

A yellow line becomes a blistering ray of sunlight in Summer in the You Beaut Country. John Olsen’s paintings, often described as ‘quintessentially Australian’, teem with life.
Suburban expansion on Perth’s fringe pushes into the SouthWest Ecoregion. Richard Weller/Donna Broun

Squandering riches: can Perth realise the value of its biodiversity?

If Perth can preserve the rich biodiversity of its setting, it will become a model for sustainable city development that fully connects with the value of natural ecosystem services.
EPA/Wang Zhao

Soft power and the institutionalisation of influence

There are some rather remarkable aspects of the increasingly heated debate about China’s influence in Australia. First, the idea that China actually has any “soft power” to exert is actually rather surprising…


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