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The University of Western Australia

The University of Western Australia (UWA) is a leading Australian research university and has an international reputation for excellence, innovation and enterprise. UWA is committed to the achievement of the highest quality research and scholarship at international standards of excellence.


Displaying 1001 - 1020 of 2146 articles

Reuters/Neil Hall

Brexit: lessons and implications for Australia

Discussion of foreign policy remains conspicuous by its absence in Australia’s remarkably dull and insular election campaign. One might have thought given the turbulence in international affairs that the…
Reuters/Lucy Nicholson

Business Briefing: what breeds terrorism?

Business Briefing: what breeds terrorism?
The breeding ground for terrorism isn't necessarily poverty - it's the middle class.
Country provides a site where Aboriginal and mainstream forms of law can come together and have dialogue – an outcome made possible by Eddie Mabo (L). AAP/NAA

Law reports push piecemeal changes to native title, but still fall short

The ALRC report made some useful recommendations about how settler law could deal more fairly with Aboriginal people by taking their traditions and customs into account.

China and the US: when worlds collide

There is so much going on in the world these days it’s sometimes possible to focus on the ephemeral and the inconsequential rather than the long-term structural changes that are likely to shape the international…
Age-standardised cancer death rates have been falling in Australia. from

How Australians Die: cause #2 – cancers

Currently, seven cancer types are listed in the top 20 causes of death in Australia. These are cancers of the lung, blood and lymph, bowel, prostate, breast, pancreas, skin and some childhood cancers.
Banksia woodlands are home to thousands of plant species. Rob Davis

EcoCheck: Perth’s Banksia woodlands are in the path of the sprawling city

The Banksia woodlands of the Swan Coastal Plain are home to thousands of species, many unique. But they are gradually being swallowed by Perth, one of the world’s most sprawling cities.
The political crisis surrounding the 2012 ousting of Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed led to a return to authoritarian rule. Dying Regime/flickr

Does Islam have a problem with democracy? The case of the Maldives

Democracy did not fail in the Maldives because it clashed with Islam. Instead, a privileged and powerful elite helped topple the elected government, and nations that advocate democratic ideals did little to stop them.
Who took the points in the first leaders’ debate of the 2016 campaign? AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Turnbull and Shorten face off in leaders’ debate: experts respond

The Conversation’s experts respond to the first Turnbull-Shorten debate with an eye across key policy areas and the leaders’ performances.


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